Most Russians Think the Apollo Moon Landings Were Faked

Originally published at: Most Russians Think the Apollo Moon Landings Were Faked |

Most Russians according to a new poll believe that the Apollo Moon landings were faked. I can’t blame them for thinking this because there’s many reasons to believe that they were a big hoax.


Over a half of all Russians believe that US astronauts have never been on the Moon and that the US authorities and NASA covered up this fact by forging proof of moon landings, a new poll shows.

In the recent survey titled “Science and society: authority and trust” experts of the Russian state-run public opinion research center VTSIOM wrote that 57 percent of Russians currently think that the US claims of successful manned Moon missions are lies and that the documented proof of these missions was forged. Only 24 percent of respondents said that they believed that the manned Moon missions were real.

Researchers also specified that 65 percent of those who think that the US authorities are lying about the moon landings have secondary education.

However, Russians are not only suspicious about the NASA moon missions. 59 percent of the poll participants share the opinion that “scientists conceal the truth from common people.” Even among Russians with higher education the proportion was extremely high – at 45 percent.

It's been almost 50 years since the Apollo 11 mission when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were allegedly the first men to walk on the moon. If it was so easy to put a man on the moon back then, how come nobody else has been able to do it after the Apollo missions concluded in the 1970s? We've had all sorts of engineering and technology advances since that time.

The Apollo 11 mission occurred only a couple of years after the Apollo 1 mission in which three astronauts were blown up on the launch pad. So we went from blowing up astronauts on the launch pad to landing a man on the moon in the course of two years. Such progress in such a short period of time is highly improbable.

And if the moon landing deniers are wrong, why the fuck hasn’t NASA just taken some high definition photos of the alleged Apollo moon landing sites? This should be a fairly easy thing to do with modern day equipment.

Back in 2011, NASA released some shit quality images allegedly taken of the Apollo moon landing sites from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. The images show nothing of specific value. Meanwhile, we’ve had the Hubble telescope taking very detailed high quality color photographs of things many light years away.

And then you got shit about fake moon rocks and other crazy stories.

There’s just too many things that don’t add up about the Apollo missions. So yes, I’ve been in the camp that thinks they’ve been faked for quite awhile now.

But fuck, the Hollywood Jews are releasing a new movie about the Apollo 11 mission. So based on that I guess the average American is going to continue believing that the Apollo missions were real.



My Kazakh friend doesn’t believe it either. Personally, I don’t care either way.


Would be cool if a Iron Sky thing happens though.



I mean,really-if a fleet of field propulsion craft,crewed by Evildoing Nazis-suddenly appeared out of nowhere and started exterminating die untermensch,how many people would be going “meh,not my problem”?


I don’t blame the Russians for being skeptical about the moon landings. It’s hard to believe a country as fucked up as the USA is today could be capable of such an achievement. But the America of 50 years ago was quite different.


I heared once, probably from family in the old country, that “untermensch” was a term for those who were subordinate to Bolsheviks and not a race thing. Then again, those factions have merged.


The Apollo computers were about as powerful as the Super Nintendo. I think we needed to fake it until we made it but alas we didn’t make it.


The Moon Landing was Stanley Kubrick’s finest work


The fake moon rock is a bit off putting.


Probably why he died @Der_Sturmer


If something is proven technologically possible once, why haven’t we returned after 50 years?


It was all about government funding of NASA.$$$

Kubrick left trails


I’ve never gotten involved in this debate or taken a side for the simple reason that I like to think that one day the truth will be known. Sooner or later something – maybe another lunar satellite, who knows – will take photos of the landing site, & we’ll either see the flag & the footprints & debris (beer cans, LOL), or we won’t. Even India has put a satellite in lunar orbit. We just need photos. And someday we’ll get them.

Take a look at this:


I guess you’ve all forgotten that enlightening movie Numbers that easily explained how it was a few black women geniuses working in the basement with slide rules and pencils that figured all of that out and saved the entire Apollo program. I hope I cleared that up for you.:rocket:


Kubrick was brilliant.


One of my favorite movies of all time.



Yeah, that Hidden Figures movie claimed that a few smart nigger women was all that we needed to land a man on the moon. Definitely a very believable story. They must have gotten them from Wakanda.


I am guessing a lot of NASA’s $30B ended up in the pocket of the (((you-know-whos)))


No surprise really. Da joos probably have had an unending stream of Jonathan Pollards lurking, spying, and stealing since the inception of NASA.

Since they are born psychopaths they use phrases like “mutual collaboration “ and “joint partnership“ to conceal their espionage. Still at it today.


Especially when you consider that Israel was waging wars in the 60s as well as expanding their nuclear program- costly endeavors


Hey,what about Major Kong?

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