Melania in Africa

this is laughable but the stakes are high. Trump sends Melania to Africa to hug some savages… the three main super-powers are all eager to get an economic and military footing in Central and South Africa and America must play catchup. this is reminiscent of Western space-race panic after Russia launched, Sputnik. so The USA created NASA and started wasting trillions of dollars sending jackasses into ‘space’. the cheers could be heard on mars… the new ‘space race’ however is right here on good ol Planet Earth….

Russia and China are working overtime in South America, The Antarctic and AFRICA to counter recent NATO aggression and for economic freedom from The FED jew-dollar.

America MUST cajole the Africans into accepting their corrupt funny-money or lose the global ‘final frontier’ and so they send in beautiful but vapid Melania to hug the savages while the economic strongmen are working diligently in the background to buy-off the leaders by one-upping their Russian and Chinese counterparts.

This is a win/win for the Trump administration and the media will have no choice but to love it. sure some will denounce it for what it is, a planned photoshoot but overall the press will be forced to give it their blessing because this is whitey reaching out to the savages to save the Jews at The FED. The First Lady hugging stinky blacks will also prove that Trump is NOT A RACIST. i have no doubt however that she’ll disinfect herself thoroughly afterwards.

the depressing endgame is a paved-over, African continent and a negroid population boom all of whom will strive for a big american lifestyle with a home, garage and SUV’s. the amazing treasure trove of wildlife will be relegated to small fenced, managed areas. all of this WILL HAPPEN but not before major military conflicts with the Muslim militants who are converting the savages by the millions.

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The “let’s continue to feed the starving niggers tour.” 2018


I don’t know why she’s going there, other than to seek out dark meat. Gross.

She’s busy meeting African government officials and tribal leaders.

As well as providing a stable supply of food resources for the starving niglets.


Where’s that ebola virus outbreak? I’ve been waiting to hear some good news.


They have countries in Africa???

Here I was thinking they just had niggers.


More African nigger civil wars needed,…


In Africa, a life preserver = cargo cult Interceptor armor.


i am in the minority on these types of websites, but sounds like you understand what i am about to say…
Space travel is fake, and nobody has ever been to the moon, you filthy goy

i’m not sure about the moon landings but i do know that it’s foolish to send people into ‘space’… it’s a gov con-job. they teach kids that after we destroy earth we can simply move to another planet which is an asinine bunch of nonsense second only to religion.


if you are interested in knowing this and understand why this is done to our minds, then check out this documentary that is the best plethora of information on the topic.
I’m not going to link other peoples websites or YT channels or anything like this but this is fundamental to understanding the endgame of agenda 21 and luciferian jewish agenda of the one world jewish government.


@irAteirishman We’ve had a debate about the fake moon landings for NASA $$$

You are right, question everything.

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i got removed by the daily stormer on my first account i created for posting stuff like this only after being asked about it first, and then the second time for pointing out Anglins strange hatred for white women and love for prepubescent underaged filipino school girls…
Its nice to see some format, any format, have an honest open debate about this deception and what it actually means and why its done.

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i just went over to the post you linked, too bad i wasnt online that day.
This topic is something i’ve grown to master the debate over in the last few years!
That along with the shattering of the heliocentric model…
The luciferian agenda of creating an alien hoax to usher in the 1 world religion and government ruled by jews is real stuff and its all happening in real time in front of our faces.
I don’t know if its flat or concave or hollow, but one thing seems certain, that we aren’t spinning and there is no curvature anywhere on earth…
There are numerous other “arguments” that disproves this idea of a spinning blue marble but its not anything i’d post on this forum in fear of being removed.
I was removed from the daily stormer for similar brain ticklers they didn’t like me asking people or pointing out.

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many white nationalists are offended that anyone would call the greatest achievement of mankind
(that whites were at the center of) fake.
But it is 100% fake.
That moon landing video is a blatant fake and looking back at how the technology at nasa wasnt even as complexed as the cellphone you hold in your hand today, it seems highly implausible that we could’ve been capable of achieving such a feat at this time.
Why have we never gone back?
Using their own circumference equation , anyone can disprove the lie of the curvature.
Anyone with a raft , a pair of binocs , a ball and a river/lake/ocean can do a version of bedford level experiment themselves and prove the curvature doesnt exist in a matter of a few minutes.
Its not about the money, its about deceiving mankind and pushing agenda 21, which is white genocide.

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i just watched. wow… i forwarded the link. humans are totally fucked-up.


Not fucked up just unwittingly psychologically manipulated.

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i’m talking about the people who faked the moon landing and then went on to bigger things like 9/11 et…

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