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What the bleep did I just watch here?

Anybody here tell me how to find the DS now? It was off and on for a while and then on for a solid period but then one day, just off again. And now I can’t find anything. I vaguely remember a little about some new place but joining something else would be required. I’m not the most IT savvy person and I work A LOT so I never did it. Anyway, if DS is still running somewhere, it would be good to read again. Thanks for help

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It’s working here now, although the site was not working when I tried it earlier.

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Sensible chuckle about the holocaust over on the Daily Stormer


It’s really getting round about time for a solution to the kukis and I think we need to make it final.

They should be rounded up, put on trains, and sent to “work camps.” Then, when they’re there thinking it’s a work camp, you would give them all tattoos. Then shave their heads – remember, it’s really important to keep this illusion up.

Then, when they’re all shaved and tattooed, really thinking for real this is a work camp, you say “well, it’s time to hit the showers” and then send hundreds of people into showers that are actually fake shower rooms.

We need to be able to make pretty tight seals. Wood should be perfect for that.

When we’ve herded several hundred of them in and locked the room, we’ll pump the fake shower rooms full of fumes from a diesel engine (maybe one pulled out of an old submarine). We then wait for them to choke on the fumes. Bing, bang, bong – you’ve got yourself a final solution.

I also have some thoughts about drowning people in buckets, as well as the use of various wild animals, perhaps shoving people into a cage with an eagle and a bear. I’ve also drawn up some schematics for a room with an electric floor, which could also be disguised as a mass shower, or perhaps as a sauna or smoking room.

But the fake shower/diesel fumes thing is a super clean, efficient way to get it done.

And of course, this obviously goes without saying, but for the sake of thoroughness I should mention we can recoup some of the costs of this “solution” to the “kuki problem” by turning their corpses into various types of cleaning products and light fixtures.