Happy Birthday to the Great Adolf Hitler!

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/happy-birthday-to-the-great-adolf-hitler/

Today is April 20th, 2024.

This is Adolf Hitler’s birthday. For those of you who do not know who Hitler was, he was a German artist, soldier and statesman who wrote a best selling book called Mein Kampf. In this book he describes the many problems Germany had with a subversive group of individuals known as Jews.

In the 1930s, he became the ultimate ruler of Germany and built Germany into a great power until the Jews conspired to do war against him to destroy everything he had built.

If you have not read Mein Kampf I suggest you read it because the problems Hitler faced in the 1920s are the exact same problems we face now.

Hitler has been lied about more than any other modern historical figure. He’s been lied about so much because the Jews who he opposed took control of the West following World War II. They have falsely blamed Hitler for Holocausting them in fake shower rooms when he simply wanted to have them removed from Germany because of their destructive and subversive influence.

Overall, Hitler was a very great person and a great leader. The Jews who disagree with this statement are just jealous of Hitler’s greatness. Hitler will be remembered for centuries as the greatest historical figure of the 20th century. The Jews will be looked at with great disdain and contempt for the evil and horrors they have brought into the world.

Heil Hitler!



To Adolph,
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag. #135!!!


and the same problems that the Roman Empire faced too. These vicious, Jews have been menacing humanity for over 2000 years.


Happy heavenly birthday uncle.


The black-haired Jewish youth lies in wait for hours on end, satanically glaring at and spying on the unsuspicious girl whom he plans to seduce, adulterating her blood and removing her from the bosom of her own people. The Jew uses every possible means to undermine the racial foundations of a subjugated people. In his systematic efforts to ruin girls and women he strives to break down the last barriers of discrimination between him and other peoples. The Jews were responsible for bringing negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardising the White race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate. For as long as a people remain racially pure and are conscious of the treasure of their blood, they can never be overcome by the Jew. Never in this world can the Jew become master of any people except a bastardised people.

That is why the Jew systematically endeavours to lower the racial quality of a people by permanently adulterating the blood of the individuals who make up that people.

― Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Race and People


It is now just over 135 years since the birth of a very great man who would go on, around a hundred years ago, to document the greatest plague facing humanity. Sadly, the majority of people were too illiterate, retarded, corrupt, or brainwashed, to heed his wise words.


@ZyklonBee Yes, the jews of today are almost exactly the same people as the jews of antiquity. They are not “impostors” from Khazaria who converted to judaism in the Middle Ages. The jews themselves created that fake theory in order to confuse the goyim.

The non-White nations have a much better and clearer appreciation of Der Fuhrer than our own jew-enslaved nations here in the West. He was a great but flawed historical figure like Napoleon and Alexander. He was outnumbered and outwitted by his enemies, but that doesn’t mean what he believed in was wrong or bad.


Cheers to a real one. I hope and pray he is in heaven and that one day I may celebrate victory over the synagogue of Satan face to face with him. :raised_back_of_hand:


He will be with us, always.


FYI: Did you know you can now post images on Gab again?

Looks like Torba backed down - not surprised since SO many people left.

UPDATE: Looks like you got the message. Looking forward to more hilarious posts from you on Gab.


Happy Birthday Adolf ! Time to read Mein Kampf the Stalag Edition and watch: The Greatest Story Never Told.


Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Onkel Adolf! Die Welt vermisst dich!


Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Adolph!!


That’s an excellent movie.

Has anyone here read “The Young Hitler I Knew”?






The Barnes Review all time number one selling copy. Still available today.


Hitler was absolutely a racist. That meme assumes that being a racist is bad. The only non racists I know are all fools.


Happy BD USA - Unser Seliger Adolph!

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That is one of the best books I’ve read on WW II - and I’ve read a LOT of them. Excellent analysis, excellent coverage - and filled with illustrations, photos and graphics.

Highly Highly recommend - but is (of course) no longer carried on Amazon.

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