Happy Birthday to the Great Adolf Hitler!

Dear Herr Hitler:

Wann kommst du zurück?

Wir brauchen Sie jetzt mehr denn je.

More than ever…


I have the King book and that magazine. Both are good reading. I subscribe to the magazine and recommend others do the same.

Oh, shit. This is a GIF and is supposed to be flashing and spinning and stuff. Here it’s just a still photo. Damn! It’s a pretty cool GIF to have .
sorry about that. maybe it’s working on your computer, but here it appears like a still image, for me, at least.
***oh, COOL! I just tried again and it worked this time . Never mind. Hahaha!



Works beautifully.

I can see that setting off a few epileptic fits…

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Yeah, I instantly grabbed it thinking it’s just a cool image to post somewhere where people might be going off on a patriotic anti-hebe rant or something.
I smiled when someone sent it to me and thought it might make other angry people smile, too
***Oh, hey, I can post images on gab again — and for free— so they might have changed it back to the old set up.
I’ll have to check Incogman’s site to see if he is back. Last week, it had been well over a month since he had posted anything. Maybe he thought he couldn’t post his famous images anymore and was disheartened with their new rule or something. I sure was bummed about it.
But for at least now, I have been posting images since yesterday or the day before and it’s working fine for posting memes or home made images. I haven’t tried any video links yet, but will.
See if it works for your phone or computer. If it’s just a glitch, I’m sure not going to remind Torba about it. I’ll keep posting image shit as long as it’s working.

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Apparently, Torba backed down - someone on Gab sent me this info about two weeks ago:

Dear Gab Community,

Over the last six weeks our team has diligently optimized our media storage infrastructure. We’ve been able to successfully reduce storage redundancy and significantly increase our storage capacity. This crucial development came just in time, as we were mere weeks from reaching full capacity back in March, which would have taken Gab offline due to our hard drives being completely full.

Thanks to these improvements, I’m thrilled to announce that we will be reopening media uploads for all users, albeit with a new daily limit to prevent abuse by bots.

The reintroduction of media uploads, even on a limited scale, is a step forward, but maintaining this service demands robust support from you—our community. Upgrading to GabPRO today is an immediate call to action that you can answer. It’s your chance to play a defining role in safeguarding the space where your voice can be heard. Please upgrade now—help us continue to serve you without interruption. You can also make a one-time donation or purchase merchandise from the Gab Shop to help.

I suspect too many “customers” left - my own feed went down by about 2/3rds after the new policy - a lot of people fled.

As for Incog - his last post was March 5th and he wrote:

I KNOW I HAVEN’T BEEN around much lately. It’s mostly due to things IRL

Haven’t seen him since, and he’s been a prolific commenter for years and years - hope all is well with him. I know of no one who is in contact with him - or knows him IRL.

I like your flashing graphic very much, I just can’t look at it too long - It would fit in nicely on either Gab or Gamer Uprising if you have an account there (Anglin seems to be letting people back on again).


Andrew Anglin was my initial favorite person ( Daily Stormer site) to check in on daily when I first started paying more attention to political shit after Trump won (even to my shock, as I didn’t think he would beat the ancient DC insider, Hellary Clintstone) and I noticed how vile news coverage had become since he was in office and things started getting really weird in every day reality. More than I had ever noticed it before.
So I went looking for sites where other pissed off and concerned people were explaining about and recognizing this odd shift in the sociopolitical climate.
Anglin’s site was the first one I latched onto, and still my fave of all the sites I came across back around 2017 or so) and he got shut down a time or two , and I went looking for others and found Incogman. Then his expansive site disappeared. …
I finally found Gab when searching for IncogMan. It said “Incogman is @ gab”. I noticed instantly his site was narrowed down to a paragraph or two commentary and some comments, thin it as many as before—but was just glad he was still around.
One thing for sure is —that guy is Consistent in his views and helpfully informative, especially with the jigaboo and Jew stuff that isn’t covered at all by mainstream media.
For some reason, I had him pegged as a guy who is likely two to five years older than me, which would be born between 1961-1964 to be in that range—(I was born in 66))—- I found out several months ago that he must be closer to my oldest brothers and sisters age (they were born in 56 and 58 and 60). He didn’t say his age, but he hinted that he was a few years older than my personal guess was. A few, probably meaning like ten years or more older. Hahaha. Recon is going to be 75 in May, and is older than I would have guessed. He is young at heart, though.
I always thought that the face shown on Incog’s page, that looks like he is grimacing or yelling, was him. That’s why I always put that face off to the left side in my MUDSHARKS tv series gags. As if Incogman, himself, is standing off on the shore yelling out to victims-to-be who are swimming in dark dangerous waters, telling them to get the hell out of there. Hahaha!
On the left side because the words “IncogMan presents” is right above that yelling head.
A symbolic gesture, as he is always warning people about vile rotten niggers, like the sherriff in JAWS… most often to dead ears who don’t heed his warning because it is “Rayciss”.
Rayciss, maybe, but definitely still alive.
I hope he is okay. My guess is. Well, it was that the Gab scenario depressed him or pissed him off.
If it’s mental or physical health l, I would guess maybe a girl related problem… I don’t think he is married, but marital problems are depressing. He could have high blood pressure. But I hope not.
Hopefully we will find out and it will just be that he needed a break from all the shitty news he rants about . It’s therapy to rant about it, but over time, it might not be so healthy… to become absorbed and revolving around all the negative news and stuff,
That’s why I try to have a sense of humor and sarcasm about it. I don’t want to become another sullen, angry person and not be able to spread any sunshine on these asinine matters we read about all the time. Life’s too short to let this crap ruin it. Let the impulsive nigs destroy their lives over the everyday chaos . We can keep our cool over it. And do our best to stay out of the mudsharked mix. Meaning —- we can live through this shit easier than the idiot race does. Hahaha!’
Glad you like the dizzying swastika. It’s a real eye catching spectacle, isn’t it?



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