Zionist Asshole Brian Mast Confronted Over Support of Jew Wars

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/zionist-asshole-brian-mast-confronted-over-support-of-jew-wars/

The crippled Zionist asshole Congressman Brian Mast was recently confronted in public over his support for endless Jew wars. The man who confronted him rightly described how all Congress does is fund endless Jew wars while doing nothing for the American people as the country implodes economically and socially.

YES, MORE OF THIS 👏🏻 Congress Rep Brian Mast Confronted By Constituents

“All you guys do is fund war, fund war, fund war — You do nothing for America”

“Americans are getting screwed over every day. Americans can't pay for health care, they can't afford housing, women can't take… pic.twitter.com/mISnxo3ne6

— Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) April 24, 2024

Just look at this cocksmoker. He literally had his legs blown off fighting for Jews and he continues to serve them by posting bullshit like this.

We were told there was going to a be a pro-Hamas group coming to rally at the office at 11 AM. I showed up on time, but I couldn't find anyone.

Here's what I would've said to them anyway. pic.twitter.com/gCaPFn2Yet

— Rep. Brian Mast (@RepBrianMast) April 23, 2024

The Jews have rewarded his loyalty by supporting his Congressional campaigns with huge donations.


He walked into congress with the uniform of a foreign nation.

“They'll be crafting opinion at the New York Times and even policy in the White House.”

This happened, but it was done by the Israelis.… https://t.co/YR5uUl2WU1 pic.twitter.com/SGv4pUfkEZ

— Sulaiman Ahmed (@ShaykhSulaiman) April 22, 2024

He once walked around Capitol Hill in an Israeli Diaper Faggot uniform.

Rep. Brian Mast arrived on Capitol Hill wearing his military uniform from his service in the Israel Defense Forces.

“Tlaib’s got her flag. I got my uniform,” pic.twitter.com/iMLUKVoWCW

— I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 (@ImMeme0) October 13, 2023

He probably also had a diaper on because if he did not have a diaper on he would have been out of uniform.


Mast is the type of sick shit-tier individual that we have in Congress. They support Jews and Israel first and foremost even as they do a literal genocide. They do not give a single fuck about America or the American people. They are all traitors who deserve to be put on trial for treason, executed and sent to hell where they belong.


They might as well just move the senate to Tel Aviv… what a bunch of traitors.


Biggest fucking traitor I have ever seen.

and the Conservies love him to death because of his "sacrifice " to America and freedom… When Trump is at a loss for words he can be counted on to trot out some bullshit like: “We love or men and women in uniform…”. The Trumpies on-cue go nuts with praise… DUMB WHITE MOTHER FUCKERS .

I’m on Facebook and whenever there’s a post about a “hero” I make sure everyone knows that they served only their NWO bankster master not America. The White Conservies can’t diss me enough.

So I say “FUCK, WHITE PEOPLE”. They deserve what’s coming and worse. There is only a small percentage of the White Race worth saving. Ironically, there’s probably a larger percentage of Blacks worth saving.


On that point, we can disagree. :slightly_frowning_face:

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yeah, I’m just getting pissed off at my cowardly and paid-off White Race. The Jews count on us to sell out. The Negros often see through the bullshit that White people don’t.

“Israel is our ally, Gaza is not our ally” is the best argument he can come up with?


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