Zio-Shill Sebastian Gorka Wants Nick Fuentes Banned From Twitter

Originally published at: Zio-Shill Sebastian Gorka Wants Nick Fuentes Banned From Twitter | Infostormer.com

I had always thought conservatives were for free speech. After all, free speech is protected by the United States Constitution and conservatives tell us how much they believe in the Constitution.

This has proven to be total and complete bullshit. They are only for free speech on the condition that you don’t question America’s greatest ally in the Middle East or criticize Jews. This seems to also extend to people who question the virtues of nigger anal sex and unlimited third world immigration.

Look at what the Zionist shill Sebastian Gorka is posting on Twitter. He is basically implying that Nick Fuentes should be thrown off of Twitter after an army of groypers wrecked his fake conservative faggot shill buddy Charlie Kirk last night.

Gorka is saying that Fuentes should be banned because he has questions about the Jewish hoax known as the Holocaust. He even says plainly that Fuentes is evil for having views he disagrees with.

This person is Evil.

How is Holocaust denier @nickjfuentes still on Twitter and VERIFIED?? https://t.co/nDGfIYBlmo

— Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) October 30, 2019

He’s VERIFIED you imbecile.

The issue is that @Jack gives a piece garbage like @nickjfuentes a blue check mark and actual Conservatives are suspended from Twitter for posting pictures of @KatieHill4CA.

Now do you get it? https://t.co/LHj2zISkQC

— Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) October 30, 2019

James Woods was forced off Twitter for being an American Patriot. @nickjfuentes is a Holocaust Denying scumbag and @jack gave him Verified status.

No human intervention, right? pic.twitter.com/RiBqK2YjFp

— Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) October 30, 2019

Denying that a fake historical event happened is not evil. What’s evil is continuing to claim that said fake historical event happened as a way to guilt people. That would make Gorka the evil one.

What’s clear is that the entire fake conservative movement is in panic after what happened to Kirk last night. The bullshit Gorka is posting is just one example of this. They’re stating plainly that they don’t believe in free speech and are fully exposing themselves as Israel First shills who worship Jews.


Wow. And they hyped Gorka up as a nazi for wearing a pin once. Very disappoint.

Bad Gorka. Back to gulag you go.

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Its about time we take over the conservative movement. Todays new age in politics call for new messages and actions. Our mainstream political “allies” just aren’t cutting it with current tactics, some even go so low to act as traitors(kirk) to the American people and values.
AOC and her socialist sheeps rolled over the moderate democrats, and they plan to take away more than just guns. She even said in an segment tonight(10-30) on tucker carlson that whites were the leading cause for most climate emissions(sounds like an agenda to me!), bringing anti-white racist rhetoric into politics which could be argued effectively and offensively by leaders amoung ourselves, unlike these cowards who call themselves Republicans.

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Gorka, Kirk and their ilk just throw tantrums and resort to childish ad hominem attacks when someone unmasks them as the shills they are.