Zelensky Tells Davos That He Needs $5 Billion a Month

Originally published at: Zelensky Tells Davos That He Needs $5 Billion a Month | Infostormer.com

Billions of dollars have been funneled into the illegitimate Jewish government of Ukraine, but that still isn’t enough for the Jewish homosexual lunatic and cocaine addict Zelensky. He spoke to the Davos crowd in a cheap shitty-ass t-shirt demanding $5 billion a month.

Zelensky pushed for the complete withdrawal of foreign companies from Russia to prevent supporting its war and said Ukraine needs at least $5 billion in funding per month. https://t.co/2X3i4qGpqS

— Yahoo News (@YahooNews) May 23, 2022

I get that he has a very robust cocaine habit. But $5 billion is a bit extreme. How much cocaine does one Jew actually need? I don’t care how big his nostrils are.

Never fear loser Biden is here, to throw around money that isnt his, like he does for his son.

If it’s a Jew you are covered since your kind helped him steal the erection. Shitty ass t-shirt guy will snort up your savings to protect against the non existant Russian attacks.

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