Zelensky Demands US Congress Start World War III

Originally published at: Zelensky Demands US Congress Start World War III | Infostormer.com

Ukraine’s Jewish leader Zelensky delivered a speech to Congress via teleconference and basically demanded that they start World War III to defend Ukrainian border integrity. Most members of Congress across both parties thought that this was a fantastic idea and gave Zelensky a standing ovation.

Zelensky invokes 9/11, Pearl Harbor, and Martin Luther King Jr. (?) to demand US military action that even the most virulent hawks concede would spark World War III — and receives a huge, roaring ovation for this. Congress is full of complete psychos

— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) March 16, 2022

NOW – Standing ovation for Zelensky in the US Congress.

Pelosi: "Slava Ukraina!"pic.twitter.com/sPtmMcheje

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) March 16, 2022

Dan Crenshaw and other morons in Congress fully bought into the atrocity propaganda that was played during the Zelensky speech.

Just look at this idiotic tweet.

The US Congress listening intently to Ukrainian President Zelensky.

His testimony was heart wrenching. He played a video filled with proof of the atrocities being committed by Russia. It wasn’t “propaganda,” it was real life.

The only propaganda is being perpetuated by Russia. pic.twitter.com/Fj0XlOkBCu

— Rep. Dan Crenshaw (@RepDanCrenshaw) March 16, 2022

We don’t even know where Zelensky is. He could be in Tel Aviv for all we know. The idea that he as a Jew is fighting for the Ukrainian people is absurd. His only goal is to get as many people sucked into this meat grinder as he can. I highly doubt that he is still in Kiev as is claimed.

The vast majority of people in Congress are bought and paid for morons. Most of them fully went along with the COVID-19 hoax, so I am not the least bit surprised that they would support doing World War III over Ukrainian border integrity.

What a farce we have here.


Yeah, why not?

Jews have been safely evacuated - and once the shooting starts, Zelensky will head to the safety of either Florida or Switzerland where he has homes.

He’s a Jew and destroying White Christians is in his DNA.


I think this is all about economy.

jewmerica is dying and they will try everything in their power

to stop other nations from switching currency from the dollar.

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He’s smirking as he addresses U.S. zio stooges. He knows Israel could provide anti-missile tech, but that would make Tel Aviv the next target. Let the goyim deliver weapons.


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