YouTube Deletes 58 Million Videos in Three Months

Originally published at: YouTube Deletes 58 Million Videos in Three Months |

YouTube which was originally marketed as a free speech platform allowing anybody to upload their own video content has been totally kiked. YouTube recently announced that they have banned 58 million videos in the past three months for violating their “terms of service.”


YouTube has released its latest transparency report on Thursday detailing the content its removed from the platform this past quarter.

The YouTube Community Guidelines report released on Thursday mainly focuses on videos that were removed from the site due to violations of the company’s policies. In total, YouTube removed more than 58 million videos between July 1 and September 30 of this year for breaking community guidelines.

In a blog post announcing the release of the latest report, YouTube boasts of its faster response in enforcing its policies from previous quarters. The company also announced some firsts for its latest transparency report.

“As part of this ongoing commitment to transparency, today we’re expanding the report to include additional data like channel removals, the number of comments removed, and the policy reason why a video or channel was removed,” said YouTube in its post.

Of those more than 58 million videos, 50.2 million videos were removed due to a channel-level suspension. YouTube removed more than 1.67 million channels in Q3. From the 7.8 million videos that were individually removed, 81 percent were first detected by machines, with 74.5 percent of those videos being removed before receiving a single view.

That's quite a bit of content they've flushed into the ether.

At this point, they should be forced to change the name “YouTube” because the name itself is false advertising. This is not a free platform where anybody can upload content. It is a site that selectively allows content depending upon a specific criteria which is not 100 percent clear. Bans and video removals are highly subjective.

They’re also giving preferential treatment to large corporations over individuals. They’re basically trying to turn the site into another version of cable television. It’s total bullshit.

YouTube should be renamed to JewTube. That would at least be an accurate name for the site. The CEO of YouTube is the horse faced cunt Susan Wojcicki pictured below.

With this bitch in charge, it is no surprise that YouTube has been totally kiked.


Funny how the Left has become EVERYTHING they used to condemn right wingers for being, viz., close-minded, uptight and intolerant. It’s better to allow controversial expressions of opinion and creativity than to suppress all that energy and have it erupt in some deadlier form elsewhere.


“comments have been disabled” is becoming commonplace. they don’t want white people to know that there are millions more who feel the same way.


The (((left))) has always been ultra-violent and quite intolerant i.e. Bolshevism, Robspierre and the Jacobins, etc


“The goyim know. Shut it down!”

Too late.

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