Yes the Storming of the US Capitol Building Was Funny

Originally published at: Yes the Storming of the US Capitol Building Was Funny |

Look at this clip that Mark Dice posted on Twatter.

“Attempted coup”

— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) January 17, 2021

This clip proves once again that the storming of the US Capitol Building was for the most part very funny. The Q Shaman guy was just casually walking around on the Senate chamber engaging in friendly banter with the cop. It’s too bad Q Shaman wasn’t the Senate Majority Leader, he’d be 1,000 times better than Chuck Schumer or Mitch McConnell that’s for sure.

The fact that the Jewish media has tried to paint this as some type of 9/11 event is comical. There appears to have been a small handful of leftist agitators but most of the people who entered the Capitol were patriots who were let in by cops. Any violence that occurred was largely isolated with the worst act of violence being that of a cop who shot that female Trump-supporting veteran.

Baked Alaska who was streaming inside the building has been arrested by the FBI over this incident as has many other people. The FBI is going on a witch hunt over something that really wasn’t very serious. Certainly not as serious as the shit we saw with BLM/antifa over the past year.

Clearly, they were expecting this event to be worse than it was, otherwise they would not have pushed the crazy narratives about domestic terrorism, insurrection etc.. It just appears as if they felt they had no choice but to advance the lunatic narrative regardless of the facts.


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