Ye Reportedly Hires Milo to Run Presidential Campaign

Originally published at: Ye Reportedly Hires Milo to Run Presidential Campaign |

Ye has according to the Jews at TMZ rehired the homosexual fake Christian Milo to run his presidential campaign. I thought this whole concept of him running for the presidency was dead, but apparently not?

Kanye West Hires Milo Yiannopoulos to Run YE24 Campaign, Boots Nick Fuentes

— TMZ (@TMZ) May 4, 2023

Regardless of what is going on with this, the whole thing has turned into quite a dumpster fire.

Everything Milo does turns to shit and this will be no exception.

If Ye resumes doing interviews and continues to talk about the Jews, I do fully support that. The problem is that Milo will likely try to get Ye to stop talking about Jews. There’s also no telling what he will do in this position but I don’t expect any of it will be positive.

Overall, it is hard to take any of this seriously with this subversive faggot Milo in charge. He has a decade long track record of sabotaging movements and organizations.

Not that I would vote for a publicity-seeking coon that went back on team jew but he just ruined his chances with other Whites by hiring a faggot jew as his campaign manager. Let the clown show begin.

yeah, Ye is flip-flopping even before he becomes a politician.

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