Yale Ends Art History Class for Being "Too White"

Originally published at: Yale Ends Art History Class for Being “Too White” | Infostormer.com

After a bunch of retarded “woke” Yale students whined, Yale has ended a class in art history because it was said to be “too White.”

Yale Daily News:

Yale will stop teaching a storied introductory survey course in art history, citing the impossibility of adequately covering the entire field — and its varied cultural backgrounds — in one course.

Decades old and once taught by famous Yale professors like Vincent Scully, “Introduction to Art History: Renaissance to the Present” was once touted to be one of Yale College’s quintessential classes. But this change is the latest response to student uneasiness over an idealized Western “canon” — a product of an overwhelmingly white, straight, European and male cadre of artists.

With this logic, I’m sure these same students would also support ending things like the National Basketball Association for being too black. But these douche bags would probably consider such a move racist even though the NBA is filled with a ridiculous amount of niggers.

Seems like this type of thing is only a problem when something is considered to be overwhelmingly White. And this unique form of hatred represents obvious discrimination of skin color. Yale and its students have proven themselves to be racist haters of White skin. They owe White people an apology for being Neo-Nazi bigots.


… Yale sounds like an institution of self loathing Lib-Tards for the destruction of white orientated America ; Jewish purveyors .