Wordpress Bans Several "Alt-Right" Blogs Over Sandy Hook Theories

Originally published at: WordPress Bans Several “Alt-Right” Blogs Over Sandy Hook Theories | Infostormer.com

This move to shut down political speech is going into full retard mode. Even blogs discussing conspiracy theories about Sandy Hook and 9/11 are being taken offline. Wordpress has conducted a take down of several so-called “Alt-Right” blogs that contained these types of theories. This after they were bullied into doing so by the Jew-run New York Times.

The Verge:

WordPress has taken down several alt-right blogs, citing a new policy that bans blogs from the “malicious publication of unauthorized, identifying images of minors.” The change has led to the shutdown of several blogs that spread conspiracies about the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting, as spotted by TechCrunch.

Now alt-right bloggers and readers claim several sites have been removed, including conspiracies about Sandy Hook and 9/11. The timing of the move comes just after The New York Times reported on how WordPress was still allowing these bloggers to stay online.

Previously, that content was left up as it didn’t directly violate WordPress’ Terms of Service, which doesn’t state how to deal with false information on the platform. Even though the content was flagged as false, there had been no consequences, as WordPress’ ToS focuses on copyright issues and account security more than the integrity of content. Essentially, WordPress’ ToS is filled with loopholes for abusers to spread misinformation.

Yeah, so first they went after content that discussed issues about Jews and race. Now, they're going after content containing conspiracy theories on obscure blogs that in most cases have a minimal footprint of traffic.

Not to get too deep into the weeds here, but there are some definite questions about both 9/11 and Sandy Hook. And the thing is, nobody is challenging the content of the theories, they’re just saying that the theories hurt feelings and because of that they need to be shut down.

But how exactly do theories posted on small blog sites hurt anybody? People should be allowed to share their opinions with the world no matter how insane it is perceived by the establishment.

This is a completely insane precedent to set. They are trying to normalize the shut down of anything posted on the Internet that is even the least bit unfriendly to the kike establishment status-quo.

The Jews are literally trying to shut everything down and that’s not an exaggeration.

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