Women Cry Over Release of Jordan Peterson's New Book

Originally published at: Women Cry Over Release of Jordan Peterson’s New Book | Infostormer.com

Some female staff members of book publishing firm Penguin Random House were literally in tears over the company’s decision to release a new Jordan Peterson book.

Publishing house staff triggered by new Jordan Peterson book: report https://t.co/SfEks8umbH via @truenorthcentre

— Candice Malcolm (@CandiceMalcolm) November 25, 2020

I don’t even know what is so especially controversial or triggering about Peterson. I guess these women think he’s some sort of transphobic White supremacist or something when he is anything but that.

But like these crying skanks, I question the decision of this company to release Peterson’s new book, only for totally different reasons.

Peterson is really nothing more than a fake self-help guru who became addicted to drugs, has a whore daughter and appears to be into Satanism. I don’t know why anyone would take life advice from someone like this just based on these facts alone. And if I were a book publisher I would not be publishing a book from a person that fits this description.

I have no idea who this guy is, but he agrees with me.

I don't understand why anyone would take life advice from Jordan Peterson in the first place.

— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) November 25, 2020

Oh well, at least he made some women cry, so maybe he isn’t totally irredeemable. Those whores should just be thankful that they’re not publishing a book written by yours truly.


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