Women Becoming Obsolete as AI Brothel Launched in Berlin

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/women-becoming-obsolete-as-ai-brothel-launched-in-berlin/

Berlin, Germany now has the world’s first AI brothel complete with virtual reality sex dolls. The New York Post ran a whole article about this which was sourced from the Australian media.

Inside Berlin’s Cybrothel, the world’s first AI brothel using virtual reality sex dolls https://t.co/YM9OY7OIT8 pic.twitter.com/NdKz3gKoRu

— New York Post (@nypost) February 5, 2024

NY Post:

Sex workers must now compete with artificial intelligence, as the world’s first AI brothel pioneers the future of sex.

At first glance, Berlin’s Cybrothel operates like a traditional escort business. Private suites can be booked for a few hours, or overnight, and clients choose their companion from a list of seductive names like Bimbo or Ms Schmidt.

But the Berlin bordello’s futuristic edge lies with its workers. At Cybrothel, patrons share company with life-size sex dolls instead of human sex workers.

Bimbo, Kokeshi and Co can’t move or speak, but clients interact with them in the virtual realm; donning VR headsets to watch immersive 4D porn featuring their favourite sex-bot.

This story highlights how technology and AI-related technologies are slowly making women obsolete. Not only is AI impacting many corporate jobs that women have taken, but sex work is now at risk.

I don’t feel bad for women at all. They chose to take fake jobs in corporations while becoming disgusting whores with double and triple digit body counts. On top of that, many of them are just nasty and cruel people who whine about dumb shit all the time. They are simply not pleasant to be around. You also have all the divorce-raping and other underhanded shit that they’ve pulled.

This was their choice though. They willfully chose this type of life instead of becoming faithful wives to their husbands and mothers to their children.

They chose to become sex objects with no other redeeming qualities and sadly many of them are not even that great at sex.

Considering the current situation, I am not surprised that this type of AI brothel thing is happening. There are also social media accounts of AI-generated females that are taking share away from women in the Instagram/OnlyFans whoring market. It will be interesting to see how women react to all of this as the technology becomes increasingly more advanced. Something tells me that they won’t take the situation very well.


These virtual brothels are like the XXX theaters in the 60’s and 70’s which were made obsolete by internet porn. They’ll got out of business when home sex-bots become more affordable. People are going to be able to have sex with each other from thousands of miles away after you give them control of your sex-bot. We’re in the infancy of this industry.

What I’m waiting for is the first murder charge from someone who kills someone else through the internet with their home sex bot. There’s nothing stopping them from tying someone up in a BSDM romp then using the bot to grab a knife from the kitchen and start slashing away. what a way to go…

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