Winter Olympics Receives Extremely Poor Television Ratings

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The Winter Olympics have come and gone and it looks like not to many people gave a shit. Ratings were extremely low.


In the end, the final day of primetime competition for the XXIII Winter Olympics was both a winner and loser to the XXII Winter Olympics of just over four years ago.

On its last Saturday, the often tractionless PyeongChang games hit a new low, dipping 5% from the previous rock bottom of February 23 with 8.7/16 metered market results on both NBC and NBC Sports Networks. As harsh as that is, last night’s results were up just over 1% from the final Saturday of Sochi 2014. A low for those Russian-based games in the early numbers, that February 22, 2014 primetime coverage on NBC-only went on to dribble in a weak 13.3 million viewers.

That small victory over 2014 may bring a toast or two around NBC HQ this morning but the overall reality is that the 2018 Winter Games are going to be the lowest rated ever with a drop of nearly 10% from the previous low of Sochi. Hell, Saturday to Saturday, last night was down 15% in metered market ratings from February 17, which was a low at the time.

The United States Olympic team was heralded as the most racially diverse ever. It is no surprise that with this racial diversity, the team had a very mediocre performance.

Since when is superficial nonsense a more important factor than winning? It’s no wonder why people tuned out. We’ve chosen as a country to celebrate some token monkey person who makes a team instead of excellence in competition.

On top of this, the Olympics just don’t have the prestige that it once had. It was a much more important event during the Cold War than it is now.


Not only brought down by racial diversity, but the promotion of faggotry by Team USA and NBC. I tried watching a few events, such as hockey and women’s figure skating, but NBC would keep cutting to the commentators and one was an insufferable, simpering queer. Whenever I heard his effeminate voice I would turn it off. I imagine China and Russia must be laughing at the idea that the USA would use a sodomite as an announcer.


You didn’t appreciate this cocksucking faggot, Johnny Weir, hosting the closing ceremonies?images


Worst medal total for the US in 20 years and Norway, a country with the same population of Colorado, kicked our ass- that racial diversity is really paying dividends.


That´s it. You americans love winners. No winners=bad ratings.

The ratings in Norway and Germany were excellent.

Mudshark Lindsey Vonn in the German House.



I’m trying to think of some Wakandan Winter Olympic memes,but I’m having trouble.

Vibranium powered bobsleds,maybe? ( there’s a precedent,after all… )


And Canada with one tenth the population of the U.S., a sorry ass Marxist P.M., was just behind Germany, but ahead of the U.S.


The “Olympics” promote globalism, race-mixing and faggotry. Who needs 'em?


Heard all kinds of excuses on the local news this morning about this - mostly that the American team wasn’t very strong this year and was over-hyped.

I didn’t watch b/c I am sick of diversity, homosexuality and globalism shoved down my throat. Sick of Asians being pushed as “Americans.”

I am glad Norway won the most medals overall and Germany the most golds.

I am for Whites wherever they are…


True, but it wasn´t always like that.


The Pre-1968 Olympics were a celebration of white nations and white athleticism- the 1968 Olympics opened Pandora’s box of negro activism and social justice posturing220px-John_Carlos,_Tommie_Smith,_Peter_Norman_1968cr


@Herr_Wolf Too bad the White guy standing on box #2 didn’t give the Roman salute.


The Olympic Committee fucked the Russians over & they in turned fucked them over with their stunning victories in figure skating (the female winners were gorgeous!) & hockey. What really pissed me off was the US hockey team coach’s refusal to shake the hand of the winning Russian team coach after getting shutout 4-0! The USA has become one clusterfuck of a country & the Olympics have just proved it.