Wildfires in Hawaii Kill Over 50 People

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/wildfires-in-hawaii-kill-over-50-people/

Wildfires in Hawaii have claimed the lives of over 50 people.

JUST IN – 53 people have died in Hawaii wildfire: officials

READ: https://t.co/G647CtGaYl pic.twitter.com/dT5flb5EgP

— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) August 10, 2023

The government failed to warn the people of the dangers from the wildfire and had no emergency plans to deal with such a situation. The state government is now blaming the climate change hoax for the disaster.

Hawaii Gov. @DrJoshGreen shifts blame from government to climate for Maui disaster.

The government knew catastrophic fire was possible, but had no emergency response plan and failed to warn the public.

Government's No. 1 job is public safety. Gov. Green failed Maui. pic.twitter.com/QzFeiSMwio

— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) August 11, 2023

Every aspect of the United States government be it local, state, city or federal is incompetent and filled with stupid and/or evil people. They no longer are capable of performing basic functions. Whenever they fail they just blame somebody else or some type of nonsense for their failures. Blaming climate change for this situation is ridiculous because climate change is a hoax.

Some people are claiming the wildfires were caused by some type of directed energy weapon.

Question: Did a Chinese space based laser cause the fires in Maui, Hawaii???

I’m serious!! Google Chinese laser hits Hawaii! It did happen!!! pic.twitter.com/ojkgbAzDdw

— SKYLER X (@SKYLERXNET) August 11, 2023


When you get a break from sending mean tweets about Hunter, can you give us an update on who had the Jewish Space Lasers create wildfires in #Maui & #Hawaii?@RepMTG #MauiFires #MAGACult #Hawaiiwildfires pic.twitter.com/3yC7O4IttF

— Hospital For Sinners (@HFS_Church) August 9, 2023

I’m not sure why the Jews or the Chinese would use a space laser on this particular area, but their theory makes more sense than blaming the climate change hoax for the situation.

For the record, I do not believe that there is sufficient evidence to prove that a space laser was responsible for this. It is just what people are saying on social media. Since there is now such a widespread distrust of the government, it is reasonable for people to believe alternative theories not endorsed by the government to explain various events.


I think it probably is some kind of directed energy weapon, only from the US, not China.


YES, that’s what I was thinking. These fires must have gotten a head-start to catch the residents off guard that they were burned alive… Maui is one of the places that the deep state wants depopulated.


‘Born to a Jewish family,’ per Wikipedia. Enough said.


These fires don’t start themselves so it was probably “migrants” or the govt testing a new weapon and to cover up for their incompetence, they blame “climate” change. We will never know the truth about any of this because the govt always has someone or thing to blame but never themselves.



the global warming commies never explain how exactly a .5 rise in global temperature can start a fire. I guess they’re saying that the warming caused dryness but Hawaii has dry seasons too just like every other area of the world.


It’s now up to 67 with something like 1,000 people still missing - the firefighters haven’t gone inside the buildings yet and are bringing in cadaver dogs.

Read a couple of msm stories and each one mentioned “climate change” as being the cause - either in the headline or first paragraph. Gotta stick to the narrative…

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Ditto in California for our massive wildfires - the idiot governor - Communist Newsom - instantly blamed climate change - Trump said these destructive fires are solely the result of mismanagement of forests, not “climate change” - of course, Trump was excoriated in the media - while they claim Newsom is some kind of God.


Some say the scumbag Newsom will replace Impostor Joe in the presidential race.

The fires in Canada are also highly suspicious.


yes, but what to do about cackling Kamala?

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