Wignat Bullshit Helped Bring Down Gab and is a Cancer

Originally published at: Wignat Bullshit Helped Bring Down Gab and is a Cancer | Infostormer.com

Hopefully after what’s happened over the past few days, people will finally realize how retarded and dumb all this wignat bullshit is. For those of you not familiar with the term “wignat” it stands for “wigger nationalist.” This is basically someone who believes that the only path to victory is by becoming a real life variation of a Neo-Nazi depicted in Jewish Hollywood film productions. Many of these people will take this concept in some of the most insane and ridiculous directions imaginable. They have no coherent or viable political strategy and are a proven joke.

Putting all of these theories about hoaxes and false flags aside, what happened this past Saturday represented the wet dream of many wignats and the ultimate conclusion of their ridiculous ideology. Their politics consistently revolve around showing others that they are the most hardcore among the hardcore. Many of them are mentally unstable which makes them susceptible to manipulation and psychological operations. It’s very possible that the wignat community on the social media site Gab has consisted primarily of feds trying to goad people into committing acts of violence and people with a variety of mental health problems.

To recap what happened, a man named Robert Bowers went into a Pittsburgh synagogue where he shot and killed 11 Jews. He posted the statement, “screw your optics, I’m going in” on his Gab account right before shooting up the synagogue. His comment about “optics” and his belief that Donald Trump is part of a Jewish conspiracy proved that he was firmly on the wignat side of the fence.

While I can understand the anger that would drive someone to do this, his actions did absolutely nothing to advance our political goals. In fact, they have been a major detriment to them. As a result of this incident, the Jews have used it as justification to smear and shut down Gab. Even though Gab had become home to numerous wignats, meth posting lunatics and feds, there were plenty of normal people who were banned from places like Twitter who actively used it.

At time of writing, Gab is still offline and who knows if they’ll find a way to bring it back. They’ve been banned from various payment processors and services so the site’s future is very much in question.

Unfortunately, this is much bigger than just Gab itself. The incident is being used by the Jew media industrial complex to justify a total shut down of free speech on the Internet. They are gleeful at the opportunity. It’s like Hanukkah has come early for them. Just look at the Jew-run Anti-Defamation League’s Twitter feed if you don’t believe me.

We are not going to achieve our goals by randomly murdering Jews or engaging in acts of terrorism. We are also not going to achieve our goals by dressing up like the stereotypical Jewish depiction of a Neo-Nazi and marching through the streets. Proper real life activism is great, but shit like this is retarded and serves no practical purpose. Normal people will never be on board with these things. This is just an objective fact. We have several decades of history proving it.

The only way towards gaining long lasting political power is by persuading a significant majority of our people in the worthiness of our ideas. This entire debacle has made it more difficult to do this.

The good news is that we are winning the battle of ideas. We just need to stay the course. Our out reach on the Internet has been hugely effective. There’s also been some good real life activism happening as well. We have no reason to engage in violence. Let the anti-fascists be the one’s to act like violent niggers.

Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany because he had the support of the people. This wignat garbage is cancer and will not give us the support of the people. It is not a viable path towards achieving our goals.


I definitely think so. I have no doubts in my mind that getting random people to go off the rails is part of a large scheme towards other Jewish goals.


One of the bigger icons, like Queen Ann, needs to flip to our side. She and others eventually won’t have much to lose.


In my opinion the only way to defeat the Bagelian Dialectic/dystopian reality is through personal interaction and books. Your friends, family, maybe a trusted confidant coworker might have a moment of clarity after something you gave them. F-CK the online world it must be local and counteracting.
This is an excellent book:


My general conclusion is that the failed idea of ever reaching out and lifting the veil off a normie’s ideological mental mind control is futile. Giving links is worthless. I liked to debate politically with the people I once called friends and eventually found it pointless.
Books in the right hands are will to power.



The jew Foreign Minister of Weimar Germany, Walther Rathenau, was assassinated by German patriots in 1922. That assassination had nothing to do with the NSDAP but was a sign of things to come. The point is that sometimes targeted violence is quite effective. Just make sure you aren’t doing the enemy’s bidding.


I agree and I read a lot of books on JQ-related things. Unfortunately the way (((mainstream media))) works now is all about having extremely short attention spans. There are not very many readers especially when white kids would rather be wiggers.


I had the pleasure of speaking to MC Piper a few times and he was a great guy. Unfortunately his boss Willis Carto threw him under the bus on orders from Carto’s wife. He died an early and undeserved death, hounded by the jews and betrayed by the right wing.


I know about that, I have all his books. Such a respectable researcher and a brave man.


Some alt-right commentators have opined that the internet benefits the enemy more than it does neon-nazis. A controversial statement that may nevertheless be true.


Sometimes it’s better to be quiet and wait.


It could have been a black, brown or yellow that pulled the trigger, the media would still find a way to blame it on the white man like they do with everything else. The mail bomber is the prefect example. They’re even blaming Trump.

I’m not defending Bower’s or anyone else that goes out and kills innocent people, but how long can one race of people take before they act out for constantly being told they are evil, racist, white supremacist Nazis just for having different political views on race and other taboo subjects? No other race is vilified for attacking whites. In fact, they are encouraged to physically attack whites by their professors, media, Antifa, etc as we have seen all too often without any repercussion for their actions. Even politicians on the left call for violence against their political enemies. Those incidents of violence gets swept under the rug like they never happened, just like the black on white crimes do. There are two sets of rules, one for whites and one for people of color. Yes, Bowers pulled the trigger but the reasons why will never be addressed.


The government does have a long history of employing agents provocateurs and informants.


Don´t be a wignat. Be a National Socialist.








well said… it sounds like the wignats are just new-age skinheads.


I have to disagree. Bowing to jewish pressure leads to more jewish pressure. You don’t stop a bully by letting him kick your ass whenever he feels like it. Every tool in the toolbox is necessary in this fight. Nothing says get the fuck out of my country like a grassroots generated pogrom.


Bowers seems pretty 1488 to me. Enough kvetching about it - move on.


This is all assuming this whole thing was not another hoax/false flag using more crisis actors. This name Bowers is suspect and has come up before in other events. Also it is true that Hollyweird uses the stereotypical neo-Nazi like Edward Norton’s character in that movie. They think that the people posting even on this forum look and act like the guy in that movie.


It’s all fucking fake, brother.
War, economics, history, EVERYTHING.
What a lot of WN’s fail to understand is that evil is real, the spiritual realm is real, and THIS is where these Christ killing kike pedo satanists get their marching orders from.
I mentioned project bluebeam and no planes on 911 on another thread the other day and was jumped all over for that being “jewish lies” or something.
Everything is a jewish lie.
Holographic matter is real and they worship satan so framing sand niggers by using the plane holograph lessens their role in 911 how exactly?
If anything , it makes the fact that jews rule everything more blatant.
Are the people on this website trying to insinuate that jewZioSerpents DONT rule our military , corporations, science and technological institutes and every other fucken thing i left out?
There is only one way out of this, no matter how much the writers and commenters on here think taking action is “cowardly” and shooting these people in public isn’t a viable option at any level…
Oh how wrong they are…in fact, its the only option we really truly have left.


Agreed. These are not nice people that we are dealing with. Power grows out of the barrel of a gun.