Why'd You Join the Marines?

Originally published at: Why’d You Join the Marines? | Infostormer.com

Check out this clip. This is the future of the United States Marines.

Every one of them (and every one like them) needs to be removed immediately. We are far better off without. pic.twitter.com/oU0b1r7Pho

— Dane (@UltraDane) April 30, 2023

Imagine being the Jews and this is who you will have to rely on to fight your gay forever wars.

I would not want to be in their position right now.


i can’t understand a word these dumb niggers are saying. LET WWIII begin. I’ll watch online…


I can’t understand a word they’re saying either. They’re all mumbling.

If China were to launch an amphibious invasion on the California coast, these are the crack troops that will be sent to defend the country.

I joined the Marines as a teen. It was the dumbest thing I ever did. The only reason I and others joined is because we thought we had no other options. I hated the military, surrounded by thieves and low IQ morons. Having said that, everyone was at least halfway competent with their weapons. Can you imagine going into combat with the people in this video?


I love this. The fall of modern babylon in real time. :popcorn:


ZOG military will rely on these low IQ niggers to attack Whites when the time comes and they are given the go-ahead - they are being prepped to hate and despise Whites and will willingly kill us with military weaponry.

Good news is they’re too stupid to operate military equipment - or planes - and will blow themselves up instead. They are no match for White tactics and will be easily decimated.

Let it begin.


What marines? I don’t see any.

They make Private Pyle look like Smedley Butler.

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