White House to Release House Intel Memo Tomorrow

Originally published at: White House to Release House Intel Memo Tomorrow | Infostormer.com


It’s being reported that the White House will be releasing the House Intelligence Committee’s memo documenting FISA abuse tomorrow.


A Republican-drafted memo alleging FBI bias against US President Donald Trump will be released on Friday, a senior White House official says.

Mr Trump is expected to declassify the document and send it to Congress for release, according to US media.

The FBI has voiced "grave concerns" about the release of the memo, which may have redactions.

It reportedly says the FBI misled an intelligence court to obtain a warrant to spy on the Trump election campaign.

The FBI can stick their "grave concerns" up their ass. The FBI is one of the most corrupt organizations in the United States. These people are afraid that some of the agency's dirty laundry is going to get exposed to the country. That's the only reason why they are objecting to the release.

There’s been no transparency with what these clowns have been doing for years. A purge of the deep state is long overdue and hopefully this will be the start of it.


All of these government agencies are the same. Back in the 1990’s I saw a copy of National Review, & there was an article that quoted an official of the EPA – the fucking EPA – saying (quoting from memory here) ‘That he looked forward to the day when a phone call from the EPA caused as much panic in the upper levels of a corporation as a call from the IRS’.

This asshole didn’t give a shit about the environment. All he cared about was intimidating citizens to feed his ego. He was content to be a government bully as long as the perks were good.


About the best that can come out of this is that the FBI is completely disbanded. The fact that people can be jailed for simply lying to these FBI pricks is ridiculous.


They can legally lie and make up test results. We HAD the right not to self incriminate but those days are over.


I just hope all the relevant parts are not redacted.