White House Says LGBTQ Faggotry a Core Part of Foreign Policy

Originally published at: White House Says LGBTQ Faggotry a Core Part of Foreign Policy | Infostormer.com

We already knew this but it is nice to see John Kirby admit it publicly.

KIRBY: "LGBTQ+ rights are a core part of our foreign policy." pic.twitter.com/8XouKUwFhk

— Clown World ™ 🤡 (@ClownWorld_) March 21, 2023

One of the primary goals of American foreign policy has been to spread gay anal fisting parties and trannies to every part of the world. It is literally one of their core objectives.

The Jew Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that he regularly brought up gay analism to the Saudis.

None of this is a secret. It is just an objective fact that the United States government is focused heavily on spreading gay faggot and tranny shit everywhere. This is an evil Jewish and Satanic regime that we are dealing with. The world will be better off when it collapses.

Say what you want about China or Russia but gay butt sex and trannies are not among their core principles. This alone makes them superior in every way.


The reason the jews are doing this is to destroy morality. Once they succeed the goyim will do anything , including worshiping evil i.e the antichrist.


It seems like the entire fake administration is filled with perverts.




if Islam accepts gay rights their way of life will be destroyed. Then the feminist bitches will start protesting to be able to murder their babies et…it’s the same agenda pushed by Jews in the USA that has turned America and much of Europe in to an open borders, ‘multicultural’ pos.

I’m a serious pool player and speak online with some top pros. one German pro recently denounced nationalism stating that “it causes wars”. I told him, “NO, you can’t have too much nationalism” and “saving your country from international corrupt banksters is what caused the war”. Clearly he’s been brainwashed by the Jew education system from childhood denouncing his own culture and people in favor of a multicultural, crime-ridden nightmare.

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Off the subject, but what do you think of the movie The Hustler?

The Hustler was a fantastic movie back when Hollywood actually made good movies. It has a moral, a great story line, intrigue, appropriate violence and didn’t have all the flashing bullshit to make a bad movie seem interesting. The Color of Money not so great.

If you like pool, watch some Efren Reyes videos on youtube. The guy is amazing. He’s a sawed-off phillipino who came to the USA under the name, Ceasar Morales and was a real life “tom cruise” character in The Color of Money. He played anyone anywhere for a LOT OF MONEY and took the cash. he’s almost 70yo now and still playing top-pro level. 3 cushion billiards too.


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