White House Celebrates the Gay Homosexual Anus

Originally published at: White House Celebrates the Gay Homosexual Anus | Infostormer.com

The White House went nuts celebrating the gay homosexual anus yesterday. They believe that gay poop sex is the number one most important value of this rules-based democracy. It’s all too much. Just look at these tweets.

The White House is lit up rainbow tonight in celebration of President Biden signing the Respect for Marriage Act. pic.twitter.com/vDaydF4NZH

— The White House (@WhiteHouse) December 14, 2022

“A day America takes a vital step toward equality.”

President Joe Biden delivers remarks in a White House ceremony ahead of signing into law gay marriage legislation that reflects growing acceptance of same-sex unions. https://t.co/SN4L1MJkCl pic.twitter.com/flXfVRJiuS

— The Associated Press (@AP) December 13, 2022

Biden invited the man who tweeted this to the White House today.

Yes, really. pic.twitter.com/54lx7tILtH

— Lavern Spicer 🇺🇸 (@lavern_spicer) December 13, 2022

Biden's invited White House guest, a non-binary Drag Queen Story Hour performer who advocates for children embracing drag, starred in a music video for the song, "Show Me Your D*ck," as erect penises flash across the screen. pic.twitter.com/jsKcQ60UaV

— Mia Cathell (@MiaCathell) December 13, 2022

Singer Cyndi Lauper joins the White House press briefing to celebrate President Biden signing the Respect For Marriage Act.

"We can rest easy tonight because our families are validated and because we're allowed to love who we love." https://t.co/b4UpgXlaAW pic.twitter.com/959DSxvAI3

— CBS News (@CBSNews) December 13, 2022

What an honor to be with Chasten at the White House on this historic day for equality in America. pic.twitter.com/rb38DYPUka

— Secretary Pete Buttigieg (@SecretaryPete) December 13, 2022

The gay marriage bill they were celebrating was supported by Republicans.

Question for “conservatives” who supported the gay marriage bill: having seen the White House use the bill’s signing as an opportunity to promote drag queens and child castrations, do you stupid patsies now understand what’s really going on or have you still not figured it out?

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) December 13, 2022

These people literally believe that gay fisting and sodomy is a major democratic value.

Love is love.

It's who we are in a democracy. https://t.co/qPeknZZbsR pic.twitter.com/tZHLbkx1mn

— Andrew Anglin (@WorldWarWang) December 14, 2022

It’s just sick.

This is all very evil and unnatural. It makes me hope that the White House and Washington DC gets nuked. It deserves to suffer the righteous judgement of God himself for promoting all of this.


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don’t hold your breath… The problem isn’t that gays can marry it’s that they ALWAYS want more and now want the right to teach adult homosexuality to children. That’s the underlying threat. Having said this, I don’t care if they get married. Gov and business should have no say what-so-ever in marriage.

The legal issues with marriage are manifold. I have a friend who wrecked his motorcycle and was paralyzed. His long-time girlfriend live-in was ignored by the hospital because she wasn’t his wife so she had no say at all in anything which was bullshit. Then you get into wills and such and it turns into a legal gaggle of worms. Let them get married but don’t let them abuse kids. sounds simple but it’s not happening.

Biden also said, if you are against another man sticking his dick in another mans mouth or ass you a racist and antisemitic. I guess that’s his way of saying the subversive jews are the ones behind this sick degenerate policy.

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