Vladimir Putin Holds Massive Rally in Moscow

Originally published at: Vladimir Putin Holds Massive Rally in Moscow | Infostormer.com

Yesterday, Vladimir Putin held a major rally in a Moscow stadium celebrating the liberation of Crimea and declaring that Russia would be victorious in Ukraine. It has been estimated that hundreds of thousands of Russians were inside and outside the stadium.

It’s clear that Putin has the support of the Russian people. There is no denying this no matter how many lies the Jewish media in the West push. He is a far more popular leader than any of the stooges at the head of Western democracies.

The Jewish news media attacked this fantastic rally by comparing it to Adolf Hitler’s fantastic rallies in the 1930s.

Piers Morgan compared the rally to Hitler's Nazi rallies. "[Putin is] the Nazi, waging illegal genocidal war against a sovereign democratic nation," he said. https://t.co/0pga0xgVF0

— Newsweek (@Newsweek) March 18, 2022

Not just ‘Führer’ is sick in #Russia. Large part of whole nation is out of mind. Almost 90 years ago was no internet, livestream news, was easier to fool around. Mass rally today in Moscow welcomed war criminal #Putin. Crowds are convinced they are on the right side. Lamentable. pic.twitter.com/iyOLxmO1Z7

— Linas Linkevicius (@LinkeviciusL) March 18, 2022

Seems like this is more of a compliment than anything else, but they think it is an insult because they falsely believe that Hitler gassed six trillion Jews in wooden shower rooms.

They were also making weird statements about his jacket and claiming that people were paid to attend. But based on the video footage I saw, it looked as if the people there were very happy to see and support their leader.

Even Newsweek admits that his approval ratings are high.

Vladimir Putin is seeing his highest approval rating from Russians since 2018, according to a Levada-Center poll. https://t.co/y7q3TA97Jl

— Newsweek (@Newsweek) March 13, 2022

His approval is up to 81 percent.

Russians in Moscow after Putin concluded his Nation Address. They support their president.

Putin’s approval has climbed to 81% today from 74% last week. pic.twitter.com/21XWewDDf4

— Azania (@azania1023) March 18, 2022

Name one leader who has an approval rating this high in the West? I honestly can’t even think of one that has an approval over 50 percent right now.

Whatever the case, it was great to see a group of WHITE people come together in support of their country. It had the same sort of look and feel that the early Donald Trump rallies had here in America back in 2015 and 2016.

I know Trump’s presidency ultimately ended in disappointment, but what we are seeing in Russia, is the type of thing every WHITE country would have if it wasn’t for Jewish subversion within our institutions. WHITE people have no representation in Western democracies right now, but in Russia they have a leader who is doing his best to protect and defend his people.


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