Vaxxed WaPo Neocon Jew Dies of Heart Attack

Originally published at: Vaxxed WaPo Neocon Jew Dies of Heart Attack |

The vaxxed neocon Jew Fred Hiatt who wrote bullshit propaganda for Jeff Bezos is now dead. Bezos is very sad about his death.

Today the Washington Post and the world lost an exceptional journalist and remarkable man: long-time Editorial Page Editor Fred Hiatt. I will miss his thoughtfulness, professionalism, and warm friendship. Our thoughts are with his beloved family at this difficult time.

— Jeff Bezos (@JeffBezos) December 6, 2021

The Jew was a bigtime supporter of the vaxx and bashed people who did not support forced-vaxxing.

From the WaPo editorial board: Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, a Republican, has descended to a jaw-dropping level of cynicism. Fining local governments that impose vaccine mandates… promoting false claims about life-saving vaccines… @postopinions

— Fred Hiatt (@hiattf) September 14, 2021

Bashed anti-vaccine folks. Was pro vaccine mandates. Dies of cardiac arrest.

— Sean Thornton (@SeanTho98192182) December 7, 2021

He also pushed the Russigate hoax, Iraq WMDs and other Jewish nonsense.

So based on all that, I am very glad that this Jew is dead. It appears as if he died from the shots that he was trying to force on people.

Talk about a piece of shit. I hope he is enjoying his time in hell with John McCain and Barbara Bush as we speak.


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