Vaxx Deaths Now Being Blamed on Binge Drinking

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This is bullshit.

20% of US adults die from binge drinking, study shows

— New York Post (@nypost) November 3, 2022

You are telling me that 20 percent of American adults are dropping dead from binge drinking? This is just stupid and the people who did this study are retards.

I stopped drinking alcohol a very long time ago, but when I was in my early 20s, I once drank a shit ton of vodka and beer. I drank so much alcohol that I passed out asleep on the floor of a public bathroom and was taken to the hospital because some people thought I may have had alcohol poisoning. I did not die and I am still alive.

I’d also like to know how these people can explain 16-time world heavyweight wrestling champion Ric Flair.

This man probably consumed more alcohol than any other human being in American history. He drank 10 beers and 5 mixed drinks a day for almost 20 years.

He is not dead. He is still alive and even recently wrestled a match despite being over 70-years-old.

This is just another narrative to coverup for the fact that people are dying from the unsafe, dangerous and ineffective fake vaccines that everyone was pressured into taking.

If somebody tries to tell you that binge drinking is killing Americans in record numbers, just ask them to explain Ric Flair. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


I’m sure there were alcohol related deaths due to all the restrictions imposed on people during this farce. However, this will probably be a small percentage compared to the deaths we’re going to witness due to the death jab.

We did too…omg, when we were 14yo we got a friend’s older brother who was 22 to buy us booze and beer. big mistake but we had a lot of fun. Too many stories to tell. ALL OF US ARE STILL ALIVE… The only people I grew-up with who are dead were shooting drugs with dirty needles and got hepatitis then liver cancer… But if you recall, they were blaming the increase deaths of young and middle aged on GLOBAL WARMING. The vaccine Jews are feeling the heat.

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