US Solidifying Military Presence in Syria

Originally published at: US Solidifying Military Presence in Syria |

It is no surprise to see that the ZOG people are bolstering their presence in Syria. They would occupy the whole country if they could.

US Builds New Base In Northern Syria, Signaling Indefinite Occupation

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) May 28, 2023

There’s a few reasons why the Jews are doing this. It allows them to steal Syria’s natural resources and it also allows them to block a path for the Iranians to deliver military equipment to be used against Israel

I believe that they will eventually be forced out as this demonic ZOG empire collapses. This will happen either through military force or because of economic factors. This uninvited military occupation is not sustainable.


The “heroes” are going to get their dumb-asses bombed but this is what OBidenCo want so that they can get the TV normies to support WWIII. Those soldiers are disposable goyim pawns and they will be disposed.

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Anyone, especially White men that join the ZOG military should have their heads examined.

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Smart people no longer join The Military.

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