US Senate Blocks Israel Aid Bill Over Lack of Ukraine Funding

Originally published at: US Senate Blocks Israel Aid Bill Over Lack of Ukraine Funding |

The United States Senate just blocked the $14.3 billion Israel aid bill because it did not include funding for the Ukraine.

Democrats in the US Senate have blocked consideration of a bill on allocating $14.3 billion in aid to Israel, which does not provide aid to Ukraine. This was reported by Reuters on November 7.

According to the publication, the senators are now preparing their own proposals for…

— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) November 8, 2023

The whole situation is utterly ridiculous. We have people in Washington DC who in theory are supposed to represent the American people but they are primarily focused on which Jewish wars to fund and how they should be funded.

It’s completely insane. Neither of these dumb Jewish wars should be funded or supported.

If there’s any good news it is that the US is collapsing economically so this endless funding of Jewish wars won’t be able to go on forever. It will end eventually.


I guess corrupt congress figures that with a 35 Trillion Dollar debt it no longer matters how much money they give to jews to murder Goyim… All US Senators are compromised by Epstein’s Lolita Express and or insider trading scams. Their betrayal to America is nothing short of high treason.


It just shows the traitors in DC are completely owned by foreign countries and many still do not get it or refuse to believe it.


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