US Military Faces Continued Recruiting Crisis

Originally published at: US Military Faces Continued Recruiting Crisis |

The United States military’s recruitment crisis continues. Not only do young people not want to fight and potentially die for Jews, Israel and gay anal sex, but most young people aren’t even eligible to enlist.


The US Army, Navy and Air Force are facing shortfalls in recruitment targets this year, as the Pentagon struggles to compete with civilian employment, while up to 77% of young people have been deemed ineligible to enlist, the New York Times said on Tuesday.

By the end of its recruitment year on September 30, the US Army fell short of its target of adding 65,000 people to its ranks, the NYT says, instead ending up with about 50,000 new personnel. It is the third successive year that the army has not met its goal, prompting military bosses to cut unfilled positions and shrink its active duty membership to 452,000 from 485,000 in 2021.

The recruitment logjam has created “an existential issue for us,” Army Secretary Christine E. Wormuth told reporters this month, even as some branches of the military relax recruitment standards and even offer financial compensation of up to $75,000 to join.

The US military is totally screwed at the same time the Jews are pushing to do a third world war. They could increase the signing bonuses to $750,000 and it would not make a difference. Young people would rather be fat and play videogames all day. You can’t really blame them either. The chances of young people owning any substantive property and starting a family is extremely low due to the horrible economic and social factors that currently exist in America.

We’ve also seen decades of abuse directed towards the people who wanted to serve their country. Unfortunately, the US government abused the good will of the millennial generation by having them fight stupid Jewish wars since the Jewish 9/11 attacks in 2001. Some soldiers were ordered to go on multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and they came back a broken shell of themselves. They were sacrificed for nothing.


There are of course other factors like all the feminist, queer and tranny shit that the military has embraced. Not to mention all the low IQ coloreds and retards who have been given special treatment and opportunities because of their skin color.

Plus, this is a country that has expressed a total disdain and contempt for the main demographic of person who historically has joined the military. Namely southerners of European racial stock. Those people have mostly checked out now and don’t want to serve. I mean, they’ve been renaming bases that were named after Confederate generals because of racism or whatever.

Who knows though, maybe the US military can recruit illegal aliens to fight for the Jews. That’s really their only option outside of conscription. I think at this point, most people would rather go to prison or even face the firing squad than serve this horrible and evil Jewish regime that has subverted America.


If illegal aliens joined the corrupt USA military they got fast-tracked for citizenship but now OBidenCo are going to give them all blanket amnesty and citizenship because of the multicultural enrichment they’ve bestowed on our country. Seems fair to me…

On the up-side… if they restart the draft then get into more forever wars the Negros and Hispanics that came here will be getting killed by the thousands in a foreign land. Many thousands more will flee back to their shitholes. This coupled with a crippled economy might just be the ticket to get these brown and black, low IQ vermin the hell out of our country.


I’m glad I can’t be drafted for these jews wars if they ever decide to reinstate it. Anyone today, especially Whites should avoid the military at all costs.


I told a young kid working at Walmart to fill out a “conscientious objector” form asap because they’re going to restart the draft. he said: “what’s that?”.

These Millennials are going to get a rude awakening. They’re going to go from dying their hair green, pink and purple to having a brush-cut Drill Sergeant screaming in their ears calling them “pukes” and teaching them how to efficiently kill the “enemy” and how save your life after your leg gets blown off.


If it was up to Zelensky, he’d draft you.


I don’t think Drill Instructors can do that anymore. I think they were made to soften their approach, because it hurt the feelings of too many women and fags. Seriously. I think they cut way back on what the DIs can do.


oh, i forgot about the pussyfication of US Armed Forces.


That barely 7% of youth could even qualify for enlistment is amazing. If fitness is that rare, then a young White person in good physical and mental health will be rare. I hope this translates into all sorts of productive non-military opportunities.

for the USA to “support” the vicious Jews, America MUST put boots on the ground and that will end in disaster. Biden is afraid… if the Arabs take America prisoners history will repeat the Iranian US Embassy hostage taking in 1979 which cost Jimmy Carter a 2nd term and put Hollywood movie actor, Ronny Raygun in the Blight House. .

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