US Imposes Sanctions Against Venezuela

Originally published at: US Imposes Sanctions Against Venezuela |

During the White House press briefing today, sanctions against Venezuela were announced. They’re trying to tip the scales in favor of the opposition all in the name of freedom, democracy or whatever.

The neocon John Bolton and the Jew Steve Mnuchin made the announcements. Bolton made the much over used statement, “all options are on the table” when describing what they were prepared to do. Talk about a disgraceful situation.

But why is overthrowing the Venezuelan government a priority of the Trump administration all of a sudden? What goes on in that country is none of our business. Sure, things are bad there but it is not our role to try and fix everything that happens around the world. This is an issue that should be left for Venezuela and their immediate neighbors to sort out.

Can we focus in on our own problems for once? This policemen of the world shit has to stop. Bolton should be fired from his post and replaced with someone who isn’t a raving neocon maniac. This deranged man is obviously addicted to waging pointless wars and overthrowing governments that don’t fully agree with Jews.


Why can’t all of these Baby Boomer NeoCons just die already?


(((Bill Maher))): ‘It’s in our backyard!’, pitifully forgetting the border is even closer ‘in our backyard’.


because Maduro was trading oil in non-Fed Jew-Dollars and Russia is or is planning installing military bases there to counter NATO aggression at his border.

oh, they have a point but it’s not a popular one so they don’t divulge it and the fake news doesn’t ask.

Trump has gone full neocon to save his orange ass from Mueller. the report will be little more than a very stern rebuke of the way Trump handled things. that’s all…then The Swamp thanks Mueller for turning trump into a mush-bag, pats him on the butt, hands him lots of cash in a briefcase and he goes back to his nice home and reaps the rewards of his service to america.


The US spreading “democracy” is like Israel to spreading Christianity.


@Dave1163 The only things ZOG USA spreads are war, trashy pop culture and Islamic terrorism.


Oh, don’t look now: Jews are all over this.

They’ll tap the American taxpayers to spend billions to help rebuilt the country (while looting it for themselves).

Expect the refugee industry to jump all over this demanding low IQ, violent Marxist mestizos “escaping war and poverty” be admitted into the U.S. as refugees are asylum seekers:


They already passed a bill to extend TPS to Venezuelan filth.

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