US House Passes New Anti-Semitism Resolution

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The United States House of Representatives who don’t represent anybody except for Jews and Zionist kike baby killers, just passed another bill condemning anti-Semitism. This particular bill condemns a pro-Palestine slogan, “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

House approves resolution condemning Palestinian rallying cry as antisemitic

— The Hill (@thehill) April 16, 2024

This is the type of bullshit these people keep spending their time on. They are literally passing nonsense like this to defend a Jew terrorist regime that drops bombs on hospitals and schools.

These assholes have not done a single beneficial thing for me my entire life. In fact, they have made my life much worse and more difficult than it otherwise should have been.

The entire United States Congress is nothing but a whore house and a whore house where only Jews are allowed to buy the whores.


All people are equal. Except Jews are 6 gorillion times more equal.


It’s only a matter of time before shit backfires on these arrogant, narcissistic psychopaths.
In a way, they’re their own worst enemy.
They want to ban “antisemitism” while at the same time generating it with their daily routine of kevetching about it.
There is no law that says we have to love these analbeads.
It just says we can’t say certain things.
Maybe we should start saying clever shit like, “We’re not antisemites. No, we’re trying to protect them from going over the edge by reminding them of the wrong things they do. You know, because we simply Love them to death”.
How could they argue with that?
Or the fact that they hate Palestinians. In fact, they are anti- Palestinians, themselves.
And Palestinians are Semitic speaking people:
The Jews are The biggest antisemites of them all: They are hypocrites of the highest order.


The more they attempt to silence people for simply telling the truth, the more the truth comes out. One day the pressure cooker will explode.


With them, it always does.


There are around a million people in this country sleeping on sidewalks and park benches, the cost of everything is out of control, the jails and prisons are overflowing with inmates, we have 20% unemployment, $100 trillion in public and private debt and there are 40 million illegal aliens feeding off our welfare system. And our once beautiful cities are collapsing into decay. But never mind all of that! We have to appease the jews (again) by passing this bullshit resolution. Get your priorities straight, goyim.


This is their objective.

But don’t worry… The Conservie Electorate will put them RIGHT BACK IN POWER in November.

There’s a pos Florida politician who’s touting his accomplishment of catching criminal invaders disregarding the fact that THEY’RE ALL CRIMINALS . It’s just an election year stunt and The Conservies are loving it. "YOU GOT MY VOTE! "… He’s also a big Israel Firster. a complete shit-bag.


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