US Had Bioweapons Labs All Over Ukraine

Originally published at: US Had Bioweapons Labs All Over Ukraine |

There had been a good amount of discussion on the Interwebs about how the United States had a large number of illegal biological weapons labs all over Ukraine.

It looks like these labs are real. Russia is saying that there were 30 of these labs all over the country.

Russia claims to have discovered 30 US Biolabs in Ukraine.

What was happening at these labs?

If it was for military applications then these labs would be illegal under international

— The Plymothian (@plymouthian) March 9, 2022

They’ve published documents showing that the labs were working on developing anthrax and other types of biological weapons.

BREAKING: Russia publishes documents which show Ukraine was working on biological weapons near russian borders — such as Anthrax and Plague & that the pentagon has instructed to destroy them — violating article 1 UN prohibition of biological weapons. — These are US funded labs

— ASB News / MILITARY〽️ (@ASBMilitary) March 6, 2022

The claims by Russia have also been confirmed.

The Jew Victoria Nuland admitted in an exchange with Marco Rubio, that these facilities are indeed real. After making this admission, she weirdly claimed that if any biological or chemical weapon attack took place that Russia would be responsible for it.

Ukraine has "biological research facilities," says Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland, when asked by Sen Rubio if Ukraine has biological or chemical weapons, and says she's worried Russia may get them. But she says she's 100% sure if there's a biological attack, it's Russia.

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 8, 2022

The Chinese are asking questions about all of this.

BREAKING: China — “The US has 336 labs in 30 countries under its control, including 26 in Ukraine alone. It should give a full account of its biological military activities at home and abroad and subject itself to multilateral verification.“

— ASB News / MILITARY〽️ (@ASBMilitary) March 8, 2022

This is obviously big news but nobody in the Jewish media is talking about it. They’re focused much more on the Polish jet fiasco.

Having bioweapons labs scattered throughout Ukraine, further supports the rationale for Russia’s military intervention. These labs are a total violation of international law.


These Jews who run the US Government don’t recognize international law. They just do whatever the fuck they want knowing full well that the MSM will cover for them.


Yes, the jews definitely consider themselves to be above international law. There is no question about that. The actions of Israel since its formation in the late 1940s prove that one in spades.


The US govt is the most corrupt in the world. Mark my words, not one person will go to jail over this. You might see congressional hearings but nothing will come of it. The kangaroo hearings are all show and have no substance.

The two-party oligarch protects each other while pretending to be on opposite sides.

Iraq didn’t have WMD but the US does.


So amazing that Covid-19 got out right,
since we have hundreds of such labs on every country on earth.

but who needs bioweapons when Biden’s Jew posse will just allow any turd worlder in to our country… to breed out of control on your tax dollar… illegal immigrants the ultimate bioweapons.

See we only need bioweapons in or near WHITE countries… you know to keep the WHITE population down.

While Biden is sniffing little girls, eating ice cream and crapping his pants after his 23rd stroke, his JEW administration and Mayorkas funded by Soros is going full bore exterminate all white people, by any and all ideas they can think of.

Hey did you hear how they relocated all the border patrol from our southern border to Ukraine? I wonder who is guarding our southern border now?


bunch of prairie dogs… protecting our border now…
Jew priorities huh

Jew prarie dogs are serving up free burritos at the border and free welfare and food stamps


With this existing system in place, there is zero chance of anybody being held accountable. It’s going to take a full blown collapse of the empire for any justice to be had on COVID, illegal wars, these bioweapons labs, election fraud, general corruption etc…


Yes we need the reapers to come, and wipe out everything…
or perhaps Cthulu

then from the ashes can rise like a Phoenix a new glorious white Utopia
free of Joe Biden voters, libtards, Jews, and monkey people
all feminists and lower IQ shall be chained in place, NOT allowed to vote, be in position to make any important decisions whatsoever, or use guns… lets not make the same stupid mistakes again.
Women shall be used for only breeding and until child is 1 year old, and not be allowed to poison the children with their man hating and other terrible Jew-instilled ideas that they so stupidly have the tendency to get in their miniscule brains.
(well not all of them just most)

Some say all these bioweapons labs and research
are to develop “race-specific” bioweapons, that will target a race, gender, etc.
makes sense to me…
I mean we already have things like anthrax and sarin etc, so what exactly are they researching?
well certainly deadly viruses that continue to mutate such as COVID,
but what else?

It must be the T-Virus quick send in S.T.A.R.S. team


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