US Energy Department Says COVID-19 Came From Lab Leak

Originally published at: US Energy Department Says COVID-19 Came From Lab Leak |

The Wall Street Journal has a story out talking about how the United States Energy Department drafted a classified intelligence report stating that COVID-19 came from a lab leak.

JUST IN – U.S. Energy Department has concluded that the Covid pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak, according to a new classified intelligence report.

— (@disclosetv) February 26, 2023

At first in 2020, I thought this was a plausible theory. I certainly thought it was possible that the United States or Israel leaked some sort of biological weapon in China for a variety of nefarious reasons. It was definitely a more likely scenario than the bullshit narratives they were pushing about bat soup. I am now more skeptical of this theory because of how it is being pushed by the government and the media.

I think it is more likely that COVID-19 was just the flu rebranded. By advancing the lab leak theory, it makes it easier for all of these criminals to explain away their evil actions. It is far more difficult to explain these evil actions if the whole virus thing was hoaxed.

I mean they claimed the flu disappeared and COVID-19 took its place.

Also, the PCR tests could not distinguish between COVID-19 and the flu because they were for all intents and purposes the same thing.

With that said, there are lots of questions about Anthony Fauci and the bioweapon research that they were doing over in China. I don’t think we’ll ever get the full answers on any of this stuff.

Ultimately, this whole thing was a hoax regardless of if you think it was leaked from a lab or just the flu rebranded. There never was a deadly virus that required lockdowns, masks, travel restrictions and mandates for fake vaccines. This hoax was arguably the most evil thing that has happened in all of history.


absolutely… the corrupt CDC actually said that the flu stopped killing people during the “covid pandemic” because we were washing our hands and social distancing and that all the deaths were now “covid”. anyone who believed this obvious bullshit should never be allowed to vote again.

it’s laughable isn’t it?

and it was done by JEWS. what a surprise.

Our government keeps the “origin of covid” narrative floating because it gives more credence to it being a real pathogen which by default justifies the fake vaccines, lockdowns, masks, mandates et…So now Mom & Pop TV watcher and wondering too about the origins of this terrible virus. my guess is that it will be concluded that covid originated from one of the countries that has dumped The Jew Dollar and started a rival currency.



Yep, and Fauci was behind it with others and also manipulating viruses.

I doubt that it was a lab leak for several reasons.
#1. There isn’t a test for any particular virus.
#2, It’s very difficult to infect a populous with virus because they are fragile and don’t transmit well through the air and it traveled around the world in record time.
#3. I saw an interesting article about The Cold Virus and it looks like it originates within us not from outside and is useful to expel toxins from our bodies in the form of coughs sniffles, urine et… I don’t know but it was interesting…
#4. I am sure that AIDS is a hoax and most of the gays died from the hepatitis vaccine shots that the docs prescribed because of a “high risk lifestyle”.
#5. I also believe that rabies is a hoax too. The last thing I’d do if bitten by a suspected “rabid” animal is get the rabies vaccine which will likely give you the disease then they’ll say, “well, we didn’t give him the vaccine in time, sorry…”.
#6. When I was about 7yo there was a kid in his dad’s arms shaking wildly AFTER the doc gave him a tetanus vaccine . The doc told my mom that he just gave the boy a booster instead of the full vaccine thinking that he had earlier received the full shot. Well now I know that this is all BULLSHIT. the poor kid would have been fine had he not gotten the vaccine. Doctors can’t do anything that isn’t in-the-book or they’d lose their license or go to jail so the vaccine scams continue.

So, YES they’re making pathogens to kill people in labs but the only way that they can make them work is by directly injecting them into people as we have seen with the Covid “vaccine”.


EXACTLY! it’s infuriating that The Conservies pretend that Covid is real, simply to score brownie points against their political opponents. it works against everyone in the long-run. Here’s what I said long ago when this virus hoax began:

“Both sides are covid hoaxing to gain a political advantage. Conservatives are pretending that Cuomo murdered a bunch of old folks in nursing homes and Liberals say that Conservatives are murdering people because they don’t wear masks. STOP THE GODDAMEND BULLSHIT! Covid is a hoax, a farce, a scam, a con to turn we Goyim into GMO livestock. it’s not doing anyone any good pretending that it’s a real pathogen.”

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Here: these two talk about the lab leak hoax.

Never mind… they started off good then digressed…

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