US Army Can't Recruit Enough Green Berets

Originally published at: US Army Can’t Recruit Enough Green Berets |

The United States Army is not able to recruit enough Green Berets to fill the ranks of their special forces.


The US Army has reportedly failed to meet its enlistment quotas for special forces, known as the Green Berets, for four of the past five years, as recruiters struggle to find enough applicants who are qualified to join the elite unit.

The service recruited an average of 1,011 new Green Beret candidates from 2018 through 2020, falling 34% of its targets for those years, and it only managed to meet its quota in 2021 after the goal was lowered to 1,250 from 1,540, reported on Thursday. Just 779 new recruits signed contracts in 2022, a 38% shortfall versus the target, and 527 Green Beret candidates have been recruited so far this year, the outlet said, citing internal US Army data.

“We have to do a better job at telling our story,” Lieutenant General Jon Braga, head of the US Army Special Operations Command, told

There is a general recruitment problem across all the military services so it is not a surprise to se that they are having problems finding capable men to fill the special forces. This is what happens when you abuse the people who want to fight for their country and send them off to fight ridiculous and unnecessary Jewish wars.

You also have the fact that America treats WHITE males as third class citizens. So fewer and fewer of this demographic who would normally be the bulk of your special forces units are willing to risk their lives fighting for a system that hates them.


Oh well, who needs competent special forces people when you have women, low IQ blacks, homosexuals and trannies. They are the military’s greatest strength after all. Let them fight all these gay Jewish wars.


Good. I am happy to hear Whites have stopped joining ZOG’s anti-White military in order to protect Israel’s enemies and gay sex around the world.

There is one (and ONLY one) fight Whites have: Protecting the White Race from Jews and other subversives who wish to genocide us.

The only war worth fighting for us Whites is here, at home, and it is against one singular enemy: Jews.


When I was in the military, the majority of special forces were white men, usually from the South. Most blacks were completely worthless and will not die for this country. The vast majority of Mexicans were very overrated, and nothing like the machismo tough guys they’re portrayed as in movies.

There’s enough whites in the military today to keep it functioning, but it’s scary to think of what our military will look like in the future.


The fool, Tillman was a Green Beret. He got wasted by his own troops because he was putting them all at risk by being a gung-ho jackass.

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I had a friend that was Army Special Forces (Green Beret) for 17 years and he said the standards have been lowered and there are a few women that passed the course with two different standards.

To make ASP more “diverse” and inclusive, people that washed out are now giving multiple chances to get in. It used to be if you couldn’t make the cut you went back to your original command but not anymore. The same things is now happening with SEALS and other elite units in ZOGs military.


This is spot-on and very well-written. White men today owe this country nothing. If anything, the country owes them for holding everything together.


Agree. And the enemy is everywhere. I was at the library today, saw some young Sherlock Holmes books. Thought that was a cool idea, writing about Holmes as a young man, but guess what? In the books, and there’s a whole series, the writer made him a Jew.

As far as I know, nowhere in Arthur Conan Doyle’s books does it say Holmes is a Jew. Doyle was Catholic, so if anything Holmes would be Catholic too.

But that’s not all. I found ANOTHER series of books about Holmes. These have him retired and living as a bee keeper. A 15-year-old girl meets him and they have a relationship and guess what? She’s a Jew. And they end up going to Palestine to take up some Jewish cause.

It’s so pathetic. I have half a mind to write my own book with Holmes as a Catholic investigating a Jewish killer.


Forgot to add, when you look up those books on Amazon, or any book that promotes BLM, homosexuality, or some other Jewish agenda, and check the reviews, almost all of the positive 5-star reviews are coming from white women, according to their profile pictures.


White Women are certifiable insane and have gotten more insane ever since Women’s Lib and the ensuing legal protections and perks that empowered them over men. If the feminist bitches hadn’t aborted my children, i’d have instilled in them to NEVER get the government involved in family matters. N E V E R.


Jack the ripper was identified as a polish jewish Barber…


This is the inevitable result of the new equity policies. No surprise here.


Thanks. I didn’t know that. It’s very interesting.

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