US Apartment Rent Costs Hit Record High Again

Originally published at: US Apartment Rent Costs Hit Record High Again |

The cost to rent apartments are out of control in the United States. They’re at another record high.


US rents have hit a record high for the second straight year, with a one-bedroom unit now going for almost $1,500 on average, according to the Zumper National Rent Index, which published its latest report on Monday. That’s a rise of nearly 12% over the same time last year.

Heavily-populated cities where supply is scarce, such as New York and San Francisco, have seen rents soar even further into the stratosphere. The median rent for a one-bedroom unit in Manhattan registered $4,212 per month, while the average across the city’s five boroughs is $3,930. The figure for a unit of the same size in San Francisco came in at $3,040. Rent increases for two bedrooms were even steeper in both cities.

These cities are also magnets for newly-arrived immigrants, whose numbers could exacerbate the shortage of affordable housing in the cities themselves and in the surrounding areas. Other immigrant hotspots, such as Miami, Boston, Los Angeles, and Washington DC, also populated Zumper’s top-10 most expensive list, while the Texas border cities of El Paso and Laredo languished at the opposite end of the ranking, setting the average renter back no more than $880 and $850, respectively, for one bedroom.

It’s getting increasingly difficult for the average person to sustain a basic standard of living because of inflation. That’s why there are more people living out of vans, mobile homes, tents or whatever.

This is all part of the Great Reset agenda. They want you to own nothing, but if you can’t even afford to rent an apartment, it is doubtful you will be happy.

Things are getting so ridiculous, people are maxing out their credit cards to buy cryptos.

I am not endorsing this as a financial strategy, but things are so upside down, it is actually not a totally insane thing to do.

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