United States Giving $10.6 Billion to Mexico and Central America

Originally published at: United States Giving $10.6 Billion to Mexico and Central America | Infostormer.com

This is complete bullshit. $10.6 billion in foreign aid is being given to Mexico and Central America. Meanwhile, we can’t get a single penny for a proper border wall.


The United States pledged $5.8 billion in aid and investment Tuesday for strengthening government and economic development in Central America, and another $4.8 billion in development aid for southern Mexico.

The U.S aid aims to promote better security conditions and job opportunities as part of a regional plan to allow Central Americans and Mexicans to remain in their countries and not have to emigrate.

The plan was announced in a joint U.S.-Mexican statement released by the State Department and read aloud by Mexican Foreign Relations Secretary Marcelo Ebrard in the Mexican capital.

“In sum I think this is good news, very good news for Mexico,” Ebrard said.

Newly inaugurated President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador waxed poetic about the plan to provide jobs so people won’t have to emigrate.

“I have a dream that I want to see become a reality ... that nobody will want to go work in the United States anymore,” Lopez Obrador said at a morning news conference before the announcement.

The combination of public and private investment for the stay-at-home effort doesn’t require congressional approval, unlike Trump’s signature project to stem illegal immigration — a border wall.

This is not what I voted for Mr. President.

All of this foreign aid is a waste of money. It is not going to create any substantive change in these areas. This money is going to disappear via corruption and you will still have these brown shitholers trying to invade the United States.

The only solution is to build a wall and keep these third world populations out of our country. This is not difficult to figure out. Why in the fuck are White people continuously responsible for babysitting these brown people? We’re all supposed to be equal right? That’s at least what the Jewish media tells us each and every day. So with that in mind, there is no reason to keep giving these third world populations aid.

Let these countries sort out their own difficulties. We don’t do them any favors by constantly throwing money at them. But if we feel that strongly about helping these monkey people, the best course of action would be to invade and govern over them like a colony.


So much for Mexico is going to pay for the wall, Instead, they pay Mexico.


We should keep the money, and call it Mexico’s down payment on the wall.


In other MAGA news, the Bump-Stock Ban was put into law today. Also, I was very disappointed with Mr Rogers’ piece on the Federal Reserve’s “aggressive” raising of interest rates on Dailystormer today.


Swastika News Network - “You give us 22 minutes, we’ll round up the Jews!”


No difference between Trump and the last 2 Zio clowns. Stick a fork in America. It is done.


now that the CIA has restarted The Cold War, ‘we’ have to pay-off the brownies so that Russia and China don’t get a foothold there. the negotiations went something like this:
Mexico: give us lots of money!
USA: we’ll give you a little money…
Mexico: China & Russia said that they will give us lots of money!
USA: OK… OK… how much do you want?


For all intents & purposes, the Trump Administration is finished. Just get prepared for the next couple of years, as best you can.


I’m sure this’ll keep Mexico’s population in Mexico.

The money is being spent instead protecting Israel and funding Israel’s wall.

Guess I’ll have to delete this meme, then:

And start thinking about whom I and my family will vote for in 2020.


So much for that threat of cutting off aid.

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i asked a few maniacs in Fla earlier what they thought of trump seeing how everything he does is liberal leftist communist ideology that further destroys the united states.
Hillary may have been a better choice…
i remember in 2016 when i mentioned how Trump would do zilch on Anglins daily stormer on a thread and i was called an idiotic defeatist…
What i actually said was not that i “liked” her but her election would unite whites as the communist marxist left would reveal their hatred for our people , our society, our rights and it would’ve been a more likely outcome to galvanize us and possibly more likely that we could unite and at least draw lines.
Had she won, the leftist commies would’ve shown their hand outright and overplayed as they did during husseins regime.
Instead they were all busy kissing this conmans ass and it seems that the skeptical people were very right.



You know what this amounts to? It rewards bad behavior and sticks a middle finger to the people. The tree of Liberty is parched.