United States Cuts $285 Million from United Nations Budget

Originally published at: United States Cuts $285 Million from United Nations Budget | Infostormer.com

The United Nations is a worthless institution. The less money it gets the better.

This might be a drop in the bucket but any reduction in the United Nations budget is good. The UN is a joke. It's just a place where diplomats grandstand. It has never solved any real problems.

NY Post:

UN Ambassador Nikki Haley announced Sunday that the United States negotiated a $285 million cut in the United Nations’ “bloated” budget for next year.

“The inefficiency and overspending of the United Nations are well known,” Haley said in a statement from the US Mission. “We will no longer let the generosity of the American people be taken advantage of or remain unchecked.”

Haley added that the “historic reduction” in spending is a step in the right direction and that the US would make many other moves toward a more efficient and accountable UN.

“In addition to these significant cost savings, we reduced the UN’s bloated management and support functions, bolstered support for key US priorities throughout the world and instilled more discipline and accountability throughout the UN system,” the statement said.

The new deal for the 2018-2019 fiscal year is $285 million less than the world body’s staggering $5.4 billion budget for fiscal year 2016-2017.

The ambassador went on to say that she hopes to help make even more reductions in the UN’s budget in the years to come.

Haley’s announcement came just days after she slammed the UN for “singling out” the United States and voting on a resolution to oppose President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

It is being perceived that the budget cut was a direct result of the body voting against Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t.

I don’t care if Trump makes symbolic pro-Israel moves like the Jerusalem declaration. If it helps push favorable policies like a budget cut to the UN, than so be it.

There are also reports that Trump could use the opposition to the Jerusalem declaration to suspend foreign aid around the world. That’d be another step in the right direction.

Of course, we need to get to a place where all foreign aid to Israel is suspended. I’m obviously skeptical that Trump will get to that point but I’ll take wins where we can get them. It’s clear that the Jerusalem declaration has been counterproductive to Israel in many respects. It has refocused the hatred the Arab world has towards Israel. It’s one of the reasons the political left in Israel has cautioned against such a declaration.

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Yes, hopefully all this tuchas-kissing that Trump is indulging in will backfire straight into the jews’ ugly camel faces. Nevertheless, I really hate it when they are happy with all the stuff that Trump does for them.

negotiate with who?

just cut them off