UN Head Calls to Eliminate Disinformation on the Internet

Originally published at: UN Head Calls to Eliminate Disinformation on the Internet | Infostormer.com

The head of the United Nations has called for action to stop the spread of disinformation on the Internet.

NOW – UN Secretary-General: "We'll call for action from everywhere with influence on the spread of 'mis- and disinformation' on the Internet." pic.twitter.com/72e4eGw2HE

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) February 6, 2023

If he really wanted to eliminate disinformation he would be demanding Jews and their media operations be banned from the Internet. They are the primary source of lies and fake news. This is not even a debatable point. It is just a fact that they’re the ones doing this.

Bans and censorship has its problems though. Maximizing free speech would be much more practical. That’s because people would be empowered to call out and expose lies which is the opposite situation we have on most social media sites today.

Of course, he does not want to actually get rid of false information from the tubes. He just wants to eliminate anybody who disagrees with Jews from putting out their perspectives. That’s because disagreeing with the Jewish world view has been classified as “disinformation” by these people so they can justify bans and censorship.

His stance is total bullshit either way. The UN’s charter on Human Rights says that freedom of expression is a fundamental human right so he’s opposing their own charter by calling for disinformation to be eliminated. Spreading disinformation is free expression.

This clown just wants to shut down free speech. That’s really all he wants to do.


more proof that The UN is a consortium of corrupt countries run by Jews, hellbent on the enslavement of mankind.


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