UN Fears Famine of Biblical Proportions Across Third World

Originally published at: UN Fears Famine of Biblical Proportions Across Third World | Infostormer.com

The United Nations is afraid that there is going to be a famine of “biblical proportions” across the third world next year.

'Famines of biblical proportions' feared in 2021 amid COVID-19 pandemic, UN food agency warns https://t.co/qHjMSEN45v pic.twitter.com/2BMUNu6lfd

— Eyewitness News (@ABC7NY) November 16, 2020

They are continuing to claim that this is all the result of the coronavirus, but this is a lie. It is the result of governments around the world locking down their economies in response to the coronavirus. And we know that this is a virus no more dangerous than the flu. It has a survivability rate well over 99 percent.

Western countries are going to have a hard enough time feeding their populations as a result of this engineered economic collapse. There have been food lines appearing all throughout the United States since these lockdowns began.

Clearly, the third world is going to have more problems than the West. There will be lots of starvation, suffering and death. This is unavoidable at this point.

But hey, even though millions if not billions of people might starve to death, it is a small price to pay. We had to keep people from catching a minor flu bug so a handful of fat and old people might be able to live a few months longer.

Nice job everybody.


Any government that feeds these parasites with taxpayer money is guilty of treason.

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Any and all resources should go to feeding our own people, but knowing how corrupt this system is, that probably won’t happen.

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Perhaps we should not have federally subsidized their over breeding across the continent.

Western nations have created generations of people dependant on hand outs to survive and they are woefully unprepared for adversity.


Remember that upward curve of African births up to year 2060? That’s the curve I wanna see flattened.



The population of the third world needs to be drastically culled. These parasites should not have been fed, coddled and encouraged to overbreed in the first place.



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