UK Setup Unit to Target Critics of Lockdowns and Vaxx

Originally published at: UK Setup Unit to Target Critics of Lockdowns and Vaxx |

The British government literally setup a special unit to target people who were critical of their inhumane lockdowns and the dangerous fake vaccine shots they pushed.

NEW – Secretive government "counter-disinformation unit" was set up in the UK to target those critical of lockdown and questioning the mass vaccination of children.

— (@disclosetv) June 3, 2023

There is nothing shocking about this at all.

Western governments have been taken over and subverted by Jews and their evil allies. They are using the institutions they have captured to wage war against the people. A big part of this war was the virus hoax.

I do hope that the people who did all these horrible things throughout the COVID hysteria will eventually be held to account, but I’m not holding my breath. Regardless of what happens, they will have to answer to God for what they did.


how do you know that, “God” is a nice guy?

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