Twitter Locks White House Press Secretary's Personal Account

Originally published at: Twitter Locks White House Press Secretary’s Personal Account |

Twitter just temporarily locked the personal account of White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEanny. This appears to be because she referenced the Biden-Ukraine report by the New York Post.

BREAKING: Twitter has locked the White House Press Secretary's Twitter account.

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) October 14, 2020

Twitter Locks Account of White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) October 15, 2020


Can you believe what Kayleigh posted?

— Tim Pool (@Timcast) October 14, 2020

Donald Trump briefly referenced this situation at his rally tonight.

President @realDonaldTrump on Twitter suspending Kayleigh McEnany's account

— Team Trump (Text VOTE to 88022) (@TeamTrump) October 14, 2020

You could argue that this is even more extreme than what they did with the New York Post simply because of her position in government. But I am not surprised by any of this. I’ve been saying for the past several years that this censorship was going to get more and more extreme.

While I said these things, Republicans and much of the so-called “conservative” media sat around with their thumbs up their asses. Many of them spewed gibberish about how these big tech companies could do what they want because they are private corporations. They also spent weeks trying to argue how they weren’t racists after Charlottesville while all sorts of people were being banned from speaking on the Internet.

Considering how far they are going with this, there is a good chance Twitter will just block or ban Trump on election day after he declares victory. That seems to be the direction where all of this is heading in.


BANNED Twitter Facebook Youtube Banned Hunter Biden PC Emails

“The Salt Must Flow”
441K subscribers
Salty Cracker tells Youtube to place their “tube” where the sun don’t shine while reporting on crack head hooker banging Hunter Biden PC reported by New York Post banned from You tube video.

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