Turkey Starts Bombing Kurdish-Controlled City of Afrin

Originally published at: Turkey Starts Bombing Kurdish-Controlled City of Afrin | Infostormer.com

Another "Israel First" policy has prompted the Turks to launch military strikes against the Kurdish-controlled city of Afrin.

Turkey has decided to launch military strikes in Northern Syria against the Kurds in the city of Afrin. This is in response to a statement from the Department of Defense that the United States was planning on standing up a 30,000 strong border force mostly made up of Kurds in that area. Turkey has long viewed the Kurdish forces on their border as an extension of terrorist groups that have previously caused problems for them.

The United States provided weapons and training to the Kurds in order to help defeat the Islamic State. Now that the Islamic State has been defeated, the United States has decided to stick around Syria. They’re continuing to support the Kurds with weapons and training which has angered the Turks.

Basically what’s going on is that the United States is supporting these Kurdish groups as a way to deter the Iranians and Syrians from being able to mobilize a formidable military force on Israel’s doorstep.

American forces should be ordered out of Syria. This program of supporting these Kurdish groups with military equipment should end. The only interests this policy serves is that of Israel. America has no strategic interests on the Turkish-Syrian border. It’s insane to say otherwise.

I’ve also written a separate more detailed piece about this that should be going up on the Daily Stormer shortly.


The Kurds have always been a pain-in-the-ass in that region - Saddam Hussein was always having to deal with their BS.

The Kurds are allies with Kikestan. They receive a lot of money, arms and other support from them. So Turkey is indirectly fighting the zionists.

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