Turkey Sends Military Reinforcements into Northern Syria

Originally published at: Turkey Sends Military Reinforcements into Northern Syria | Infostormer.com

Turkey is sending military units into Northern Syria. As American troops withdraw, Turkish forces are going to move in as a way to avoid a power vacuum in the area.

Al Jazeera:

Turkey is sending reinforcements to its border with Syria, Turkish media reported on Sunday, adding that some 100 vehicles, including mounted pick-up trucks and weaponry, had made their way to the area.

The heightened military activity comes days after President Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey would postpone a planned military operation on the armed Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) group in northern Syria, after the United States's surprise announcement to withdraw its troops from Syria.

Washington has for years supported the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) group in Syria, as part of an international coalition dominated by the YPG.

This is all very welcome news. It’s insane that the United States government has been more concerned about the borders of Syria than the borders of our own country. Let the regional players sort out a political solution to Syria. There’s no reason for us to be involved.

And if conflict breaks out between the Turks and the Kurds, I couldn’t care less. Why should I give a fuck about a bunch of Turks and Kurds killing one another? Give me one good reason why I should care?

We have much bigger problems in America yet we’ve involved ourselves in all these stupid geopolitical issues around the world for the benefit of Jews and Israel. It’s time for this madness to end.

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yes, but it’s taken Trump McTrumpface 2 years to FINALLY do the will of his supporters. vergessen Sie nie… Trump just put an, UGLY, evil deep-state whore in charge of the CIA.

So the Sultan is getting his empire back.

This is pathetic. The US must gave built at least a dozen military bases in northern Syria, & now Trump just gives them to Turkey, for free, without a deal, no quid pro quo? WTF? Oh, expanded trade? Great.

there is always a deal. turkey has agreed to buy some US weapons.

Well, I’m not real happy about arming them either.