Tucker's Guest Says What We've Been Saying for over a Decade

Tucker’s guest is blasting the dumbass Conservies for electing scumbags that they see on Fox News thinking that they’re pro-America Conservatives. I talked to a Conservie who thought that Fox News is a Conservative platform. They don’t fucking get it. Maybe this video will help them.


Kind of makes me want to puke.
We need some new group to take over DC.
This is now the USSA.


yes, and how long before the dumbass electorate start voting the shit-bags out of office. that will take a decade or more.


I feel like the democrats are actually Locked In right now. Or at least the ones who will go along with whatever program the real overlords want them to do.
Evidently Trump doesn’t exactly play ball and they worry about him digging up records of truths they don’t want
non-locked-in people to know.
I think they might have been nervous about that for the entire four years of his term .
They should be more grateful he didn’t go after some of them. But instead, they pay him back by charging him w crimes he didn’t commit, and doubling down on calling him a dictator , dictating To US what he is, expecting us to believe their bs (if he was what they say he is 24/7 No! make that 25/7— they wouldn’tt need to pound it in our heads so much . We would see for ourselves. Since he isn’t those things, they have to remind us, and in doing so, represent the very anti-democracy stance they claim he will have if elected again. The bullshit levels are staggeringly over the top).
Oops, I’m rambling. I think the media broadcasters need to pay for what they have become.
Imagine how much it would affect them if most Americans unplugged their tv sets (currently an anti American weapon) and either watched only dvds and stuff on them, or just threw them away for good , into a trash barrel.
It would blow their whole system. Who would buy ad time, their life’s blood?)

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It was over in 2019 for Fox when they hired Donna Brazile, the former chair of the Democratic National Committee, as an advisor - this is AFTER she was let go by CNN for providing Hillary Clinton in advance the questions she would get at a town hall meeting aired by CNN.

Fox hasn’t been on in my home ever since, and never will be again.


I remember her. She was always arguing for democrat party crap and saying that “Joe Biden will easily defeat trump in 2020”. When someone would argue with her, she was more than happy to argue back, but only for democrap talking points.
There was another animalistic black bimbo with a bald head… I don’t think she was a news person. She might have been one of Biden’s bodyguards.
She looked like (she?) could be an offensive lineman for the Washington Redskins. I think her name is Simone something.
I can’t stand that bitch. Ditto for this Braizille or however it’s spelled .
That Bowser in DC bitch is a real hateful troglodyte, as well. DEI hiring at its worst.
If they’re going to keep hiring these kind of people, they might as well change it to
[Washington BC]. Because their presence there is akin to a trip to prehistoric times, where they might have been mistaken for men.
Okay— Here IT is. Her name is Simone Sanders. I wouldn’t be surprised if she fought Mike Tyson back in the 80s or 90s. Might have even given him a run for his money. Hideous, huh? Big time!

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I threw my Tee Vee away 25 years ago and I knew that all three networks were in cahoots in 1985. They’d air all the same bullshit stories at the EXACT SAME TIME. Switching channels did no good.

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