Tucker Describes CIA Involvement With JFK Assassination

Originally published at: Tucker Describes CIA Involvement With JFK Assassination | Infostormer.com

Tucker Carlson recently did a segment about the JFK assassination featuring information from someone who had access to JFK files that the government has still refused to release. That person said that the documents made him believe that the CIA played a role in assassinating JFK.

Today we spoke to someone who had access to the still-hidden JFK files, and is deeply familiar with their contents. We asked this person directly: did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy?

Here’s the reply: "The answer is yes. I believe they were involved." pic.twitter.com/3EURZcsaR2

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) December 16, 2022

I have no doubt that the CIA was involved in some capacity, but there was likely involvement with the Israeli Mossad as well. I think most people already know that there are major questions surrounding the official narrative of that event. We’ll likely never know the full truth about it, but I support Tucker having a conversation about the topic.

Tucker also did a good segment on the faggot traitor Congressman Adam Kinzinger who is finally leaving Congress.


Tucker Carlson’s Farewell To Adam Kinzinger

“Adam Kinzinger will live forever in our hearts as an example of what a man can be when he stops trying to be a man, and unleashes the emotionally fragile divorced single mom within." pic.twitter.com/PuDlKum8C6

— The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle) December 17, 2022

These are both fine segments and everything, but Tucker has also been shilling for war against China over their treatment of Islamic terrorists while endorsing homosexual marriage. I don’t support either of these things and I’m not sure why he is pushing them.

Tucker Carlson on "gay marriage": "Should people able to get married if they love each other? Yeah, they should, that's fine."

He goes on to say the real threat to society is transgenderism. pic.twitter.com/fiAYwSRB5S

— Andrew Anglin (@WorldWarWang) December 17, 2022

Do Fox News viewers support Islamic terrorism?

Why do Tucker and all of the rest of the hosts on this TV channel promote Islamic terrorism in China and claim that putting terrorists in camps is "genocide"?

They are being taught to not be terrorists by old fashioned hard work. pic.twitter.com/1GCZefZmwJ

— Andrew Anglin (@WorldWarWang) December 17, 2022

Generally speaking, his show seems to be getting worse and not better. He also wasn’t very good on the 2020 election fraud issue and I almost stopped paying attention to him entirely after that.

I just watched the Tucker segment about JFK. It was fine and good, whatever, but not exactly earth-shattering, and definitely does not make up for the other things he did this week, including endorsing gay marriage and calling for a global war against the Chinese for no reason.

— Andrew Anglin (@WorldWarWang) December 16, 2022

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final judge
James Jesus Angleton was the CIA director who gave the order to kill JFK after JFK told Isreal not to develop a nuclear weapon. After the murder Angleton fled to Isreal. Now deceased he has several monuments in his honor for his devotion to Isreal. Angleton is the man on right side of book cover. You must read this book!


YES… Kennedy spoke publicly about stopping Israel’s nuke project. He also denounced “secret societies” as incompatible in a free country and wanted to dismantle the evil CIA which is run by secret societies .

Tucker gets only so much leash and even then refuses to tug at it. The JFK murder segment was good but -like i previously stated- he won’t tackle even greater evils being done by The CIA like, 9/11 because those psychopaths are not DEAD and are regulars on Fox News.

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Jack Ruby (Rudenstein) Killed Oswald before the truth came out. I believe the CIA and Mossad were involved on orders from David Ben Gurion because JFK wanted their nuke program halted, Dimona plants inspected and American Zionist Council now AIPAC to register as a foreign lobby.

There’s the NUMEC Affair in which Israel was stealing Uranium from mines in Appolo, Pennsylvania.

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