Tucker Asks Trump About Iran and Big Tech, Provides Poor Answers

Originally published at: Tucker Asks Trump About Iran and Big Tech, Provides Poor Answers | Infostormer.com

Donald Trump was interviewed by Tucker Carlson while he was in Japan for the G-20 summit. The interview aired last night.

Tucker asked Trump some important questions about a number of subjects the most interesting of which were about Iran, war and big tech censorship.

Trump’s answers were highly unsatisfactory.

He said that not attacking Iran in response to the unmanned drone being shot down was good because it would enable him to use a stronger military response against them in the future.

He said that he’d love to leave Afghanistan but can’t because the country is a laboratory of terrorists.

He referenced 9/11 but failed to mention how 15 of 19 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia.

He talked about how some general told him that he’d rather fight them over there than fight them here which was the same stupid shit George W. Bush said to justify his endless war on terrorism. But we wouldn’t have to fight them over here or fight them over there if we simply just banned all Moslems. This was actually something Trump proposed on the campaign trail.

When Tucker asked him if he was going to take action against the big tech companies, Trump just said that “he couldn’t say.”

It makes me believe that he doesn’t have the slightest idea of what’s going on with tech censorship and just how bad it is. These companies have been given the ability to destroy the First Amendment rights of millions of people and this is all Trump can say about the situation?

Overall, Trump’s answers were disappointing but not surprising considering what we’ve already seen from him.


Blon Blormpf is basically W Bush’s 5th term as far as foreign policy is concerned except that Dron Drimpf agitates the Chinks a lot more than W did.

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And Trumpf likes to show-off how much Jew dick he’s capable of sucking…


lol… understatement of the week. Trump is one weird pos. he goes into his own world and spits out these fabricated stories like when Tucker asked him about Troops in Afghanistan. it was fucking weird. the guy has lost it.

Trump is a 9/11 insider. He knows that Israel did 9/11 but has to pretend otherwise just like everyone else.

that’s what i said. since The War on Terror is contrived so too is the Islamic threat. if we just leave them alone they won’t attack us but we can’t because we must fight wars for The Jews.

that interview proves to me that the libs are right about one thing, Trump is losing his mind.

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