Trump's July 4th Celebration Was Great

Originally published at: Trump’s July 4th Celebration Was Great |

Donald Trump’s July 4th celebration was fantastic. It provided a small glimpse of what our country could be without the subversive interference of the Jews. At least from a symbolic standpoint, this is the type of country we should want.

Trump’s speech was 100 percent pro-America and the celebration had all sorts of great pro-USA aesthetics.

Here’s some pictures.

When you look at the images of the celebration, you can see why the Jewish media have had their pundits kvetching about it. The kikes don’t like seeing anything that is symbolic of or reinforces a national unity because they are an alien race who survives by feeding and subverting off of other cultures. A nation that is unified is less likely to fall prey to Jewish tricks.

They’ve tried to claim that Trump was using this as a political rally, but it was really just a celebration of America. And if these kikes have such a problem with a celebration of America, than perhaps it is time for them to take a one way trip to Israel.


Can you imagine the rainbow flags that Hillary would have had?