Trump Wins Court Case Against Stormy Daniels Calls Her "Horseface"

Originally published at: Trump Wins Court Case Against Stormy Daniels Calls Her “Horseface” |

The lawsuit filed against Donald Trump by porn slut Stormy Daniels has been thrown out by a federal judge. The judge ruled that Trump is entitled to full legal fees. The ruling represented total victory for Trump.

He celebrated the ruling by calling Stormy “horseface” likely in reference to her horse like face and maybe even her equestrian activities.

The creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti who represents Daniels responded to Trump with a very faggy and whiny statement.

This was followed by Daniels claiming that Trump has a tiny penis and is into bestiality.

Daniels and Avenatti are both low class individuals. The Jew-run media and the Democrat Party got fully behind them even though there has been no concrete proof that this alleged sexual encounter between Daniels and Trump ever happened. It’s tabloid trash and the average American doesn’t care about any of this garbage.

If the Democrat Party were smart they’d stop giving both of these fools attention. Somehow I doubt that’s going to happen though. They’ve already invested too much time and energy in them so the clown show will likely continue.


give me a break… like Trump often pays 130K to whores who he has nothing to do with. he obviously fucked this bitch because he’s an egomaniac. maybe Melania got tired of him using her as a cum-dump and cut him off so he strayed. regardless, had the cheapskate paid more, Stormy might have kept her horse-face SHUT. 130K is pocket change to Trump and an insult… also remember Trump flew on Epstein’s ‘lolita express’ with billy-bob Clinton. he’s one compromised, fucking asshole. the best thing i can say about him is that he’s not Hillary.


The truth is we don’t know what happened. Sure, he could have fucked the bitch, but it’s also possible this porn slut was lying for personal gain and he chose to pay her $130K to keep her silent before the election. There were dozens of skanks coming out accusing him of all sorts of ridiculous shit before the vote.






there are many uncomfortable truths surrounding, Trump. the Stormy Daniels incident is the least disturbing… how much evidence do you need that Trump was fucking that ugly, fat whore? she chides him about his small penis… the FACT that Trump is an egomaniac asshole is not in question. Politically he’s the best we can hope for but personally he’s a pos. again: he flew on jew-boy’s ‘lolita express’ and his “good friend” is Larry Silverstein. as the biggest developer in NY Shitty it’s hard to imagine that Silverstein didn’t warn The Trump Family about 9/11. Trump changed his tune QUICKLY about 9/11 and now joins the chorus of false-flag perpe-traitors… by not seeing the numerous ‘faults’ of Trump you yourself fall into the mindless meme category. the mark of good jounalism is to see and report the good and the bad.

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yuck! this fat whore has no shame…


Stormy will regret the day she gave her life over to a Jewish attorney. I am waiting for the demand to re-pay the $130K that she was paid. Wonder what she did with that money?? Probably did not invest in the Market. Just amazes me how a Jewish lawyer can get all that time on the Jewish controlled national media to further his career. Without CNN nobody would have heard of Stormy or her Jewish attorney, who is now thinking he will run for President

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I have officially stole that one.


The jew-liberal establishment never went after Richard Nixon with the kind of irrational ferocity that they are going after Trump with, even though our 37th President was definitely jew-wise. Nor did they ever ridicule Pat Nixon, Julie or Trisha. And mind you, that was the era of Gore Vidal, Hunter S. Thompson, George Carlin, Richard Pryor and Abbie Hoffman. Yet some semblance of decorum was still maintained. What’s going on now feels strange, like it’s the end of an entire Age.