Trump Told Spain to Build a Wall Across the Sahara Desert

Originally published at: Trump Told Spain to Build a Wall Across the Sahara Desert |

Donald Trump has some good ideas. Building walls to keep out hordes of low IQ brown and black filth out of Western countries is definitely one of his best. He even told Spain that they should build a wall across the Sahara desert.


Donald Trump suggested the Spanish government tackled the Mediterranean migration crisis by emulating one of his most famous policies and building a wall across the Sahara desert, the country’s foreign minister has revealed.

According to Josep Borrell, the US president brushed off the scepticism of Spanish diplomats – who pointed out that the Sahara stretched for 3,000 miles – saying: “The Sahara border can’t be bigger than our border with Mexico.”

Trump wooed voters in the 2016 election with his promise to build a “big, beautiful wall” across the US/Mexico border, which is roughly 2,000 miles long.

A similar plan in the Sahara, however, would be complicated by the fact that Spain holds only two small enclaves in north Africa – Ceuta and Melilla – and such a wall would have to be built on foreign territory.

This is a great idea. A big 50 foot high wall over 3,000 miles preventing hordes of nigger apes from invading Europe is a noble project that should absolutely be completed.

I mean fuck, Spain is being invaded by literal monkeys.

The fact that you’d have to build the wall in foreign territory is of little consequence. If the local populations object to it, deploy the military as a conquering force.

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Is this like a “Do As I Say - Not As I Do(or Don’t Do in the case of The Wall)” kind of thing?

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