Trump to Ban Birthright Citizenship with Executive Order!

Originally published at: Trump to Ban Birthright Citizenship with Executive Order! |

With all the crazy October surprises we’ve seen, it looks like Donald Trump has a few surprises of his own. In a recent interview with Axios he said that he’s looked into the birthright citizenship issue and is going to ban it with an executive order.

He also did an interview on Fox News last night and talked about how they’re going to put these illegal alien caravan invaders in camps. He’s already ordered over 5,000 active duty military personnel to the border who will be helping with this.

Undoubtedly this executive order on anchor babies is going to be challenged in the courts. But this phenomenon appears to be a misapplication of the Fourteenth Amendment. It’s been argued for some time that the Fourteenth Amendment only applies to those born from existing American citizens. It did not apply to any random illegal alien who shows up and shits out a baby. And with a majority conservative Supreme Court, there is a chance they’ll uphold Trump’s executive order.

The idea of birthright citizenship is totally insane. What other country has this dumb policy? It needs to end regardless of the logistics involved.

Either way, I fully support these strong actions on immigration by Trump. This is why we supported his presidential campaign and this is why we need to support Republicans in the midterms.

I think I’m going to briefly tune into the CNN and MSNBC feeds to hear them cry about this. Although they’re probably still preoccupied with the second Jewish Holocaust that took place this weekend. It’s a big story no doubt, as that crazy madman shooter killed 6,000,011 Jews in that synagogue.


this is huge… i think Trump was waiting for Kavanaugh to get on the bench before he tackled the anchor-baby issue. good for him!

it’s only a matter of months before THE CREATURE, Ginsberg drops DEAD and Trump will get another pic. that will be a historic and dramatic shift away from insane, pink hair, liberal ideology. the left will go absolutely insane. too bad they didn’t hold Ginsberg to her pledge to LEAVE THE USA IF TRUMP IS ELECTED. the fake news has been silent, like she never said it but it’s clearly a sign that she lacks the integrity and character to sit on our highest court.


Trump tweets a good game but so far that’s all he has been capable of. But if he can pull this off (which I doubt) I will be more than happy to sing his praise throughout the land.


Now we need EO’s for mandatory sterilization for repeat felons & for people living on welfare. We have to start promoting sterilization as a humane punishment.




If this were the new flag, do you think that Germans would get the idea?


hahaha, no , they are cucked where it counts and that is in the (((ZOG))) with their shabbos goy puppets and the upper class.
The middle and lower class people already are red pilled in just about every white nation.
Never underestimate the power of the www.
Its the monkeywrench (((they))) never quite factored in that they don’t have their evil fangs into completely…yet.
The internet is largely responsible for this “red pilling” , but we are far from out of the woods yet.

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Yep, so far he is basically all tweets.
We need white nationalism whether niggers, spics, mooslems or kikes like it before the great demographic outnumbering really kicks in with equis generacion

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Hope we can make all the left-wing shitlibs pay for all the censorship. See, I could be wrong but they pushed too far too fast. Polls are always skewed for democrats, so most people either don’t answer the polls, or tell them what they think they want to hear. Point being most whites have figured out what is going on. Al this get whitey shit is just pissing people off. I grew up in California so I’ve always been pretty based.

Truth is in the last few months I have really seen what certain groups of international bankers and globalist trouble makers are doing. I was of the belief, because I am a Christian that said group is to be supported. I have changed that view. I see that in order for them to control the world with a “new world order” thet need to destroy the United States and Europe by importing as many third world shit holers as they can to destroy from within.

Also why can they have a mostly pure ethno-State, but whites cannot? This is the JQ I have been hearing about. I hope the DOJ goes after all the social media sites after the election. Trump has to fire a certain member of a certain tribe and accelerate the movement. I am new here, we deserve freedom to associate and exchange dialogue under the first amendment as well. I suppose I am 'red-pilled" now.


Actually the German government (green party/social democrats) “stole” the brilliant idea from the US in the year 2000.


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